Bonesworth's Questionable Quality Drafting Book
Wait... More than one year have passed? Wow!

Before you guys grab the pitchforks and the torches, let me clear something up: I drew last year. A lot. I focused myself in drawing almost everyday. And I was able to reach this goal almost every week! That was awesome!

Oh, I did improve, but not as much as I would like to and more important, now I know why, so if you guys want a little story, continue reading:

To learning something there is a process that if one does not follow, he will probably not be effective in his journey:


To give you, my friends, an example of what I mean: 

You are "studying the eye": 

First, you find materials that explain the eye for you, for example, anatomy book, a (good) tutorial about this specific face feature and its anatomy, etc. This is UNDERSTANDING.

Second, you find some eyes (pictures of models, please don't extract someone's else eye) and draw them, being mindful of what you learn. This is PRACTICING.

Third, you apply what you learn in your personal projects. Something you wish to create. Can be just copying a picture of some artist that you like or designing your own character or creature. This is APPLYING.

So, what I did wrong? I just did the steps one and two. I totally forgot WHY I started drawing (to tell stories). I became an drawing exercise machine... Does this helped me improve?


But a lot? Hell, no. It is in the third step that you will face challenges that no tutorial will cover and YOU, as the ARTIST will have to find the answers. That is where the learning process will create the true roots in your brain.

So, why I wouldn't do this? Well, in my search for more learning materials, I ended up in a certain anonymous image board . I am not going to lie: they did have really great materials that where not... regionally and financially available for me. But they also had the stupid mindset of grinding, treating learning art as some form of game where you can speedrun it to get good. I thought it made sense at the time (but it didn't). 
(Oh, they had other very imbecile mindsets, but that is out of the scope of this post).

When I finally got my good sense back together and realized that I was not moving in the direction I wanted, I changed drastically the way I train, I call it:

"50-50". 50% of the time I would study, other 50% I would work in stuff that I wanted, trying, of course, to apply what I was studying. It worked much better and became a much more pleasure experience.

Wow, and I also started, finally, to move to digital art and... I love it! It is so fast! I am having a blast! 

I will try to post more and now that I am doing digitally, it is much more easy to share with you guys!

See ya.

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RE: Bonesworth's Questionable Quality Drafting Book - by bonesworth - 07-05-2020, 01:49 AM

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