Crimson CHOW #44 - Mermaid Infantry Unit
Hey Lege1 great feedback really appreciate you taking the time to do that! Totally agree with many of your points! I am guilty of making my mermaid tails on the longer side, I like they idea that they are almost more half eel than fish which makes them a little less cliche, but maybe that isn’t a good idea to break that mold.

Your point about the background is a good one. I contemplated giving the background more attention then I revert back to more simple to allow the character to have all the attention. I may push this one further into an illustration and take your advice, so sea floor features would look cool and help frame the comp.

And I had to giggle at the anal beads comment, funny enough it was what thought too as I was drawing them lol. I was going for a look that this creature was stuffed to the gills with these projectiles, and some times I guess you get a happy little “anal bead”- like accident when getting creative  :)  thanks again dude.

Your new piece is coming along great! Can’t wait to see you splash some color down in this one.


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RE: Crimson CHOW #44 - Mermaid Infantry Unit - by CBinnsIllustration - 05-25-2023, 03:02 PM

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