Sketch thingys :P
Here's The Teaser of The Master project I'm doing, Who? could it be ;) this one is def challenging me on technicality, but I'm learning to utilize them to make complex things, this is a Wip so keep tuned :D[Image: 1064526_677579622256300_1249372023_o.jpg]

Almost done got a few more tweaks to make. This is a painting I did for my Lovely Girlfriend, Knowing she was a huggeeee doctor Who fan, I did a painting of a dalek and in it's eye I reflected the doctors face and threw my gf in there to, I can't tell you how many layers this is cause it's a lot, but I think I'll let it speak for itself [Image: 1065080_677883642225898_1081648677_o.jpg]

This is a painting I did for my Lovely Girlfriend, Knowing she was a huggeeee doctor Who fan, I did a painting of a dalek and in it's eye I reflected the doctors face and threw my gf in there to, I can't tell you how many layers this is cause it's a lot, but I think I'll let it speak for itself
[Image: 1052838_677986068882322_107688233_o.jpg]

Did a new painting for client of mine, it actually started off as a random warm up painting then he wanted it for his fantasy game lol so here it is :)[Image: 1045125_682288438452085_664728418_n.jpg] Dakau'r The Undead Dragon King, is ruler on the undead army, and holds a powerful grip over dragons, controlling them to do his deeds, he will stop at nothing to conquer the realms of the Dark world and build his powerful army one soul at a time.[/u]

Finished up the splash page For david Vs Goliath for class! whew been working on this one for a min[Image: 1073832_684770934870502_39698738_o.jpg]
got bored, then inspired to do one hour study of bottle I am currently hitting[Image: 1065123_684845404863055_2010714498_o.jpg]

Gladiator painting I did this afternoon, got inspired after watching spartacus and listening to epic music soundtrack lol[Image: 1077664_691412684206327_788694330_o.jpg]


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