smrrfette's Odyssey
That 005.jpg character with the diamond on his forhead is actually pretty cool lookin. That an original character? Would be sweet if you did a full body pose drawing of him.
Smrr, your drawings have so much energy it makes me jealous! Your comic layout looks fantascicly professional, the only problem is that it a bit too busy there. Anyway you have great potential for comics or storyboards! In terms of artistic value you and Ctrow beat everyone.

_______________________________________________________________________Thanks for popping in and for the feedback folks <3
Piotr Jasielski - Hey Piotr, that really meant a lot to hear o_o, thank you kindly! Perhaps I'll do more layouts in the future... just need a solid story! :D

Dennis Kutsenko - Whyyyyy yessss, sheeeee is haha. Yeah it's meant to be a chick, but I can do a guy version in the future. Decided to give it a shot - but when it came to colour, I caved and did a Widowmaker palette :/ siiiighhh. 
Fedodika - haha ;____________________; bby! thanks for the constant pushing bebz <3

Mechanizoid - Yeeeeeeeea, I done goofed with the cubes. Wasn't really thinking if I'm honest, I mean, believe me - I know the principles of le cube, but I was just scribbling around in pen while watching movies while housesitting hehe. Thanks for taking the time though and the crits on the comic! <3

JyonnyNovice - Heyyy Jonny! Thanks for the crits, I applied your feedback to the piece - tried to polish me turd <3 it rang true and opened my eyes - I won't be lazy in the future haha

quick digi update

Sketches testing out drawpile before I draw online with senpai:

failed sketch, moved on:

wip MAYBE based on dude in the front in these sketches


I have a lot of shit I need to get done before the end of the year - been reading crack3d's guide to productivity (check it out: and +rep that legend) because I needta get on his level for the home stretch ;)

We're 3 days past 1/2 way through the year (183 days left) here down under and I'm not satisfied with what I have produced. 

Gotta get real.

Eye on the prize <3 o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
"We're 3 days past 1/2 way through the year (183 days left) here down under and I'm not satisfied with what I have produced.

Gotta get real.

Eye on the prize <3 o/"

Me 2 gotta chase dat money <3

Crack3d has got it bebs, u do 2

Lovin that buldge or cammy toe whatevs lol

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Cool character. It probably works better as a girl anyway, my bad. I actually prefer the flat colors palette to the more rendered ones, which is mixing in a little TOO much similar purple tones overall right now.
This was a crazy angle you went there with that volleyball sketch :O. I really enjoy the colors on your latest character piece. Just be careful with this leg that goes back. I'm not sure if the perspective on it makes sense. Anyway get ittt done! :D
Heya Smrr!

Quote:Yeeeeeeeea, I done goofed with the cubes. Wasn't really thinking if I'm honest, I mean, believe me - I know the principles of le cube, but I was just scribbling around in pen while watching movies while housesitting hehe. Thanks for taking the time though and the crits on the comic! <3

Lol, yeah, you have to really think before you draw to get 'dem cubes right. If you just start drawing them out, you'll goof 'em every time. And I will probably point it out, LOL. ^^
Interesting purple character, is she supposed to be a pirate of some kind? Oh, yeah, and I TOTALLY understand what you mean about not being satisfied with your output for the year. Let's both get real!

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

Heeeeeeeey everyone :D (yas hiiiiiii fedokoaldika!) 

Sun Sun Sun HAPPY NEW YEARS! Sun Sun Sun

long time no... everything, right?! hahahahaa 
I'm back-ish again! I don't think I'll ever just straight up leave crimson daggers. It's impossibru for me :) 

To keep the reason of my absence short and sweet - I tend to feel overwhelmed by the internet when I upload daily, post on social media, etc. It clouds my mind and makes me lose track of what's important in my artmaking and goals.

I hadn't really studied at all in 2016, I mostly experimented (so many deleted pieces, but glad I did these, helped a lot) so my aim is to change that and get back into it. I've become complacent! It's disgusting :D not sure if I'll be posting daily like I used to - we'll see where this takes us.

I've missed you all so very much <33!

Here's some recent-ish pen sketches (only the daggers get to see my failings with these :) nowhere else on the interwebz though lmao.) y'all should draw in pen. It's rewarding af. 

as someone who watches a bit more UFC than the average person - HELL YES, LIONESS--! Saw this coming from a mile away! In the words of Dana White himself: "I could have spent $100 million on advertising and nobody would still have known who Amanda was. After tonight, everyone knows who Amanda Nunes is now, OK? Tomorrow morning, ask somebody who Amanda Nunes is, now they know. That's why I'm the promoter and everyone else isn't." 

Merry Mememas prezzie for a friend 

Dita Von Teese card for a friend

Catch ya's \o/
Continue what you've been doing last year to hit them goals this year <3

P.s. I read all your replies to my last post before this post and I really appreciate all the kind words, crits and comments. Thank you all <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all




Happiest newyear 2 u smrrfeette!

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

Good to see you back :) I like the widowmaker sketches.

Yo! I'm from Australia too, Melbourne
I also started trying to git good in 2013!
great to see your progression from then to now, I wish I kept a more consistent presence here but I dip back in every once in a while.
Just wanted to say keep up the good progression!

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
 xelfereht  - oh sick xel! always cool to hear of another aussie being on cd 
'allo 'allo
Happy 2 New Year's lmfao

thought I'd provide a brief art update

hope you've all been well <3

stuff from a year or so ago

d&d character portraits finished late nov last year

I did a bit of soul-searching and whatnot, hadn't arted anywhere near as much as in ye olde days, but learned a ton of life experience and other such knowledge. I feel new and refreshed and ready to rock this boat

Don't think I'll be posting on the regs, but here and there I'll try and check in and provide insight where possible

Take care and have a good one everyone-!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Ey welcome back! I did the same thing, just focused on stuff outside of art for a while so I could find something to do with art, just exploring what's out there.

After coming back I found that making a daily post after waking up that I keep updating throughout the day makes me pretty productive in my studies, especially because it lets me track what I've been focusing on lately, and build on top of it.


lolol dem edges ooh lala!

you make me so happy :'D

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
WELCOME BACK <3 It's eroquii btw!!! I was so sad you were out of here when i came back.

Wow those portraits are very well donne!
Matheus Chastinet Fedodika
Aaaaaa thank you guys <3 
Awww man hey! long time no see! Thanks for the warm welcome back! 
Cheers man! And that makes me really happy to hear! Amazing what a little sit down time with oneself can do for the spirit 

Here's a smol update for y'all 

made this from an ooooooold and unfinished portrait from like some time ago - I know it's in this sketchbook somewhere... actually let me find it - okay, so from this:

to this in 4 hours from imagination - was a fun little exercise

commissioned dnd portrait

just having fun, designing my friend's dnd chars

Take care everyone

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
AAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKK Love that neck slice dude, reminds me of seven psychopaths, the amish guy who slices his own neck <3

For the DND characters, i feel the left dudes neck could be a little longer, his head feels jammed onto his torso. and like the belt on his body, doesnt seem to wrap on his torso correctly, like it wraps on the lower part right, then it flattens. His left arm, you're kinda foreshortening it, as it bends in space, the forearm is fitting into the bicep in a weird way, like the bicep is facing almost straight but the forearm is inserting in a way that isnt moving the bicep. Like move your bicep with the forearm, they dont move independently ;)

The middle girl, very expressive but her hips are not accounted for, her abdominals would dip lower to include the mons pubis, try to visualize the violin shape of the abdome, fitting into the bottom of the hip bone, the tilt is there, but the structure is missing

The dude on the right has a really big head, and his hand thats extended just... not a great pose, really stiff, and the hand on the belt is really tiny. The line of action is the thing throwing me off the most like his planted foot is carrying the weight, but his torso goes in and out, so the line of action kinda wiggles. To improve the extended hand, seperate the fingers, more elegant, and go for a more clear silhouette, in every little part of the image.

Btw thought your twitch streams were fun! very thick aussie accent lol

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Cheers Fedo - good crits, apprecite 'em
These were done last year some time so I plopped them together and was like "good enuf"  but yeah when you pointed out the guy on the right, he was definitely the most jarring of the 3. I already knew of the issues with the guy on the left and chick in the middle, but am not too fussed and am going to move on with creating new characters with those issues in mind.
I did however, make those changes to big-ass head dude on the right (Vali)
As seen below

Take care y'all!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
nice values


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