Music on Livestream: how to & where to?

I'm just starting to use livestream right now but, as I won't be able to use a microphone yet, I wanted to add some music to the streams. In order to do that I have a couple questions:

First: How do you add music to the streams? I assume that procaster takes whatever audio you're playing on yor computer and adds it to the broadcast. I just need someone to confirm if I am right and, if not, tell me how to add music.

Second question and more important. Where can I find music to add to the streams?. I imagine that playing my cd's may create some copyright issues. Because of that I was thinking on just putting some music from youtube or even spotify. Does someone knows if I can do that without having to worry about copyright infringements?

Thanks a lot.

Never heard of any copyright complaints on streams before, I wouldn't bother and stream whatever music I have (but I may be wrong)
And procaster has a mixer where you can choose between the different audio channel or even use several at the same time.

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Thanks a lot. I think I'll start using spotify or youtube. A strean without any sound can get really boring.


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