My sketchbook
From the head. Idea and lineart.

In the process, a few more pencil portraits. And of course anatomyyyyy))

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Yooooo boys!)
I'm learning the render)

I just draw everything that comes to hand. Another jar and a pack of cigarettes are next.

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Loving your latest figure sketch, very cool style! Great studies as well with your latest digis, nice and clean with some great brushwork and color choices! Keep it up!

Rendering studies are looking good. I really like the acid colours in the backgrounds on the second set too, it would be cool to see some of that vibrancy make it's way in to your portraits.
cgmythologyMutley: Thanks!)
Portrait sketches:

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Nice portraits, especially building up the skin tones in the first one with all the colour contrasts and use of acidic colours / saturation.

The landscape piece has a great sense of atmosphere - you can feel the cold. Was it done from imagination? It looks like your portraits are a mix of studies from photos and ones from imagination, working that way in landscapes too might help.
Loving the recent studies, solid brushwork all around. I think what could benefit you more is to push form and lighting more when shading for a more 3D look as your values are looking a bit flat at the moment. Keep it going!

Hi) It's me again. I haven't been here for a long time. There have been a lot of problems lately. I need to understand myself. Drawing has always helped me to distract myself from all sorts of nonsense.

I continue to draw every day and learn something new.
I am beginning to understand that many things need to be treated more consciously.
Many things fail, many things are difficult. But it's so interesting!)

And I'm downloading rdr 2. I can't wait)

Thank you all for your support and kind words) This is important for me.

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I think you need to take more into consideration how your color should be blending into each other and how much the material is reflecting light.I don't feel like the cup is glossy enough and the side of the spoon isn't showing the right value change in relation to the direction of the light source the side that represent the thickness of the spoon should be darker.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Evening sketch :) I try to improve my understanding of tone.

darktiste: Your right, thanks. I fix it.

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