Lotharrr's Sketchbook
I've never felt very comfortable showing my work especially in progress stuff. Guess i'll just jump into this head first. I've been trying to decide what to show first. Check out my deviant art if you wanna see some of the work i did about a year ago http://lotharrr.deviantart.com/. I've been working Pretty constantly for the last couple weeks and don't really wanna upload All of that, but i've compiled a few of the Gesture sessions I've been doing. Its all been using http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/

These were done on different layers then compiled into the larger images.

Been digging into the Loomis books lately. Uploading this stuff to track progress.

30min Gesture

Gave myself 2hrs for this one. I felt a bit rusty but i think the gesture studies are helping me place better edges. I tend to struggle with jaw lines and mouths i'll probably do a few focused studies on them. Color's gonna be a big hurdle for me.

about 2hrs on these. Fist one i didn't start with a line drawing and i think it shows. the second one I did but It should have been on a different layer some of those lines were hard to get rid of while painting.

Fun with brushes tonight. Found a few i like.

WIP - Character concept i came up with last night. i might try to flesh it out more.

I think still a WIP but i might just move on from this point.


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