Breaking back in
Good Day to All!

My name is Thomas O'Connor and I was fairly active in the comic book industry for many years. I wore many hats but often the fact that I married early and started a family kept me from taking chances and taking on the bigger jobs. Treading a "safer" path so to speak. But that "Job" wasn't my passion and now that need, needs to be addressed. My strength and weakness was that I was really good at almost every aspect. But I wasn't amazing (at least to me) and could not seem to focus on any one discipline.

I'm looking to get back into doing my artwork again and hopefully earning more than sporadic income. So I am creating all new images, exercising my skills and learning new ones as best I can. But unlike when I was in school I do not have a that ability to bounce my ideas off of other students or artists. So I'm hoping this is one piece of that puzzle.
I hope you folks pardon my ignorance on some things and I will do my best to assist and pass on any knowledge I have gained as I hope t learn from the comments and critiques I pick up here.

Best to all, and I look forward to connect with a few of you, feel free to check out my Facebook presence until I have my website back up again at

Best to all
Heya TFO, welcome to the daggers!

It's great to hear that you're striving for what you're really passionate about in life!

If you haven't already, be sure to create a sketchbook here in the forums so we can all follow your progress.

You'll definitely receive constructive crits if you share the love as well, I hope you enjoy your stay and make the most out of the community!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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