Bloodsport #5 - Nausicaa
Hey everyone!

Here are my starting composition ideas for my Nausicaa cover. I cant really decide which one works best, any ideas would be awesome.

[Image: nausicaa1.jpg]
[Image: nausicaa-cover2.jpg]
[Image: nausicaa-cover2b.jpg]
Nice start! I think the position where she's turned slightly looks a lot better, like the ones in your initial comps, makes her face seem more interesting from that angle instead of just front-on.
The second to last one is great. The patch of gold around the baby ohmu is brilliant.
I agree with Rachel, the composition with her head turned a bit and positioned to right looks more dynamic. Great work
Thanks you guys! I decided to go with the second to last one.
I tilted the head, thanks, works alot better now!

Time to render!
[Image: nausicaa-cover3.jpg]
Great work and if your looking for the Nausicaa font it's Trajan but it costs quite a bit of money a very similar font would be Optimus Princeps and it's free.

Hope this helps.
Gerezon Looks great! :D

The face to body ratio is a little off. The body is a bit thin in comparison.

I'm really enjoying the composition though. just do some material texture studies to get everything looking at top shape.

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Looks better! I really like this image.

The body does need to be a tiny bit bigger to match her head like Zesiul said.

I have a few suggestions that might make it look and read better. The animal on her neck could be a little smaller and repositioned in a straighter pose, at the moment it looks like it's petrified/about to be blown off her shoulder. I'd recommend scaling it down so that none of it's features go higher than the top of her head, and maybe moving his tail to the right, behind his ears because at the moment the way its pointed makes your eye drift off to the corner of the image. If that makes sense... I can show you what I mean if you'd like!

Also with the orange glow behind her I'd add some more of that onto the left side of her face. And using the yellow from your glow at the bottom I would faintly outline the highlights on her left side because it makes the glow more intense. Don't forget some darker shadows because of the back light!

Also to balance out your orange side I would add a lighter blue smoke on the right side to give some contrast to the image. Then you can add this to the right side of her face and it'll make her look more 3D and the lighting more interesting.

I hope that all made sense! Like I said, I can show you what I mean if not.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks you guys!

Jagged: Awesome, i was looking for that :)

RachelCham: Thank you, I had most of that stuff planned too but thanks for making sure I wont forget them :)

Going for a 5 day skiing trip tonight so I wont be posting much til I get back, hopefully ill be able to tie it together before the deadline. Thanks again for all the encouragement!
Looking awesome so far! Make her hair bigger and place it behind the animal a little more. It'll add more depth between her and her pet. That's one of the great things about her character design is her hair.
that's looking really cool
Lookin good !!!! cant wait to see the final!!!

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"

Thanks for the encouragement!

Got back from vacation and worked some more on it today. Rendered her face but nothings set in stone yet, im still exploring stuff.

[Image: nausicaa-cover5b.jpg]
Lookin sweeet!
Worked some more on it. Crits are appreciated!

[Image: nausicaa-cover8.jpg]
Her face looks great!
-Values and form on chest need work. no dimension right now
-foreground needs love... make them eyes glow! :) values are muddy
-love the events in the foreground, push the narrative, get us involved.
-make those airplanes pop!

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