bannik crit !
Hey guys !!! Before i go all out with colors and rendering, i would like to have your opinion on this piece. How can i make it better ?

The character is bannik. i'm going to add the beard later on ;)

this is, i think the strongest piece.

here are some other ideas

Thank you very much ! Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks !
I think your third thumbnail in the set below is rather striking.

My question to you would be, why is the light coming from the water?

For the third one I was pointing out, you could have these rays of light from the rafters cast down on his face and body to give him an eerie feel.

The rafter light would be a blue light from the moon, and the candle light in the scene would be a nice warm glow that would make him really pop out from the background. The interior of the bath house would be very warm so he'd be this blue figure against orange and draw the attention of the piece.

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hey thanks a lot ! The light coming from the water was to make the scene look kind of more ''magical'' Also i tought if the light came from below it would look more creepy.

I like your idea of the light coming through the rafters...

And now i really dont know wich to choose :P the 2nd or 3rd one :P

here is a wip on the color
the fourth one in the thumnail is my favorite look like gollum taking a bath

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
update !! paintover or critiques are really appreciated !!


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