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![[Image: sp+copy2.jpg]](
Title: Self-Portrait
Date: April 7, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Scale: Same as Above
Notes: Trying out new techniques when it comes to digital painting. Also trying to gear up to finally get some stuff printed. This might be the only thing for a few weeks not directly related to the big projects that I'm working on.
Illustration 4: Ascension Preview
![[Image: ascension-card-back+copy2.jpg]](
Title: Illustration 4: Ascension Preview
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: It's been a lonnnngggg time coming... but at long last Ascension is coming!
I can't say much at the moment, but I can say to stay tuned... big things in the works!
'Quick' Studies
![[Image: gestures.jpg]](
Title: 'Quick' Studies
Date: March 24 - 31, 2014
Medium: Graphite, Photoshop CS3
Scale: Varies
Notes: A compilation of things that I've been up to for a little bit. Mainly just trying to make sure that I don't get rusty in any specific area. So this is just a few tests of different things over the past few days. I want to crank out a ton more stuff, but there are big projects in the works.
![[Image: zoodles-compd.jpg]](
Title: 'Zoodles
Medium: Graphite, Brush and Ink
Scale: Each 'page' is 9" x 12"
Notes: Every week on Wednesday, during lunch the illustration department at MCA goes over to the zoo and just sketches away. I think every time I go I get a little faster, a little more experimental, a little more... something. If nothing else, it's just great to get out of the school and away from everything and just sketch my ass off.
It's a bit more therapeutic than anything and if nothing else... it gets exposure to my art to all the passer-byers. Either way, it's a fun thing to do and I highly recommend it!
Comics 2: Characters 1 - 6
![[Image: character-6-jack.jpg]](
Title: Comics 2: Characters 1 - 6
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Each 'page' is 9" x 12"
Notes: The characters that we've had to flesh out so far for comics 2. From the top: Cora, Journal, Aleksi, Cora (alternate), Mr. Johnson, and Jack. Again, I can't really talk much about the overall character descriptions at the moment, but each one has about 1000 words talking about their past, their attitudes, why they exist, etc.
Comics 2: Jack's Appearance
![[Image: jack-pg4.jpg]](
Title: Comics 2: Jack's Appearance
Date: March 21 - 26, 2014
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Each 'page' is 9" x 12"
Notes: The next comic involving Cora shows a huge appearance by Jack. There is so much more to describe here than I could throw in a four-page comic because this is essentially 'the end' of the Jack arc. Either way, there is a huge change and realization, hopefully not too subtle. But anyway... here it is!
Trying New Things
![[Image: more-unfinished.jpg]](
Title: Trying New Things
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: It's been a week or two since I posted. Just needed to relax for a little bit during spring break!
I assure you though, that there are lots of things in the pipe! I'm going to say that the card stuff that I'm working on in the near future is pretty much considered NDA work until I get a more realized handle on it.
But I still wanted to throw up something. These are both unfinished by far, but I don't think I'll have time to do any more work on either of them.
The anatomy is super wonky, but I was more concerned with trying to get more stroke economy and testing different brushes while I paint. That's something that I'm currently exploring for this card project. Like I said, more on that soon, but I assure you it's going to be given my ALL! So stay tuned! :)
Also, in the near future I'm going to try doing a ton of limited palette studies using the Zorn palette. Hopefully those will prove successful!
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Baldur's Gate - "FULL OST"
(if you've never played this game... PLAY IT NOW or, if you're really feeling awesome: !!!!)
I think from the very beginning of my gaming days... at least when I finally sat down and got serious about it, I think that I was drawn to being a video game artist. I can still remember sitting around with buddies playing old super nintendo games like Earthbound and Final Fantasy 3 / 6 and my (to this day still) second favorite game of all time: Chrono Trigger. I would think then that it's safe to say that I always wanted to do something in the video game industry.
My first real experience with video game art that I can honestly say drew me into the world of video game design was probably the cover art for Chrono Trigger:
![[Image: Cover.jpg]](
Yeah, that's the same guy that works on Dragon Ball.
And also the character portraits:
You would've thought that in those days that my goals would have been clear.
My tastes have changed quite a bit since then, but it just goes to show you that things you do in your childhood really do influence you in the long run.
Initially I wanted to be an environment artist for the silly reasons that I didn't want to animate, that I thought environments would be simpler, there would be less competition for this type of work, etc. The reasons are insignificant, because it's much more important to A) have a clear goal up front, and B) to never compromise because "It's easier." As the saying goes, nothing good comes easy. And I whole-heartedly agree, because if it were easy, everyone would be doing it and it wouldn't be worth the time. This goes into a very different rant that I could go on and on about how a majority of the public looks down upon artists. But I'll save that rant for a different time.
Like I said, pay attention to yourself early on. I was interested in the character designs from the get-go, and I didn't listen to myself. Fast forward a tiny bit (not much) and you get closer to what I really wanted to do: character art. Baldur's Gate was probably my first real experience into what makes good character art.
![[Image: Icewind_dale_portraits1.jpg]](
(I still drool over these)
I have gotten into portraiture probably mostly in the past few months and I think this is an after-effect of my childhood gaming habits. I think I secretly always wanted to do this, I was just worried that I would never be good enough to get to this level.
I was talking to my fiancee the other day and I told her all about how I felt about being a character artist in the long run and I don't think I've gotten a look of "wow, you're really dumb if you don't go after what you love" like that before. I mean, sure the competition is stiff. There is a full gamut of artists with all different skillsets, but the point is that I have a clear goal and I am going to try shooting for it.
![[Image: sargent-nonchaloir-repose-mid.jpg]](
(my current goals probably lie somewhere between these two)
The whole point I'm trying to make is that everyone that starts art should have a very clear goal of where they're going in the long term. I've met a ton of artists (even some getting close to graduation) who look at me completely dumbfounded when I ask them: "So, when you get done, what's next? Where do you want to work?" And I know sometimes it just takes the pressure of being done with school, just relaxing and things, but sometimes I think it's ultimately important to do a little soul searching up front and really discover your passions. Your career and stress levels will thank you in the long run.
Try it... make a goal list. Look at where you see yourself in one year, five years, ten, etc. And see what kind of results you can get. It takes some real research to discover where you want to be. I'm still working on my first step to my goal-list, and keep in mind that it constantly changes. It's a step-by-step process. Think on micro-level first and work up to the macro.
If you're just starting out in art, for example, and you want to be a character artist... I suggest firstly to bone up on your anatomy. Then consider clothing, then weapons, and so on. Marc Brunet says it pretty well here.
If you ever need critique or anything, let me know. I'm usually up for giving advice and critiquing and things.
*NOTE: The art presented in this post... is not mine*
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Last post is a nice read, keep it coming!
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Wow, I really dig your "zoodles" (great word for it as well)! I remember when I tried going out for animal sketching in the zoo I ended up with disappointing results because the animals were hyper as hell and moving all around (and I was too slow probably)...I also like the style in your graphite sketches, keep up the amazing work!
I also totally second what you wrote in the post about your goals, it was a nice read indeed. I think sometimes it's really hard to determine what one really wants to do (I'm in the middle of it a bit as well), but it's definitely worth it in the end! Go for it, I'm curious what you come up with (:
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----- REPLIES -----
Wow, I really dig your "zoodles" (great word for it as well)! I remember when I tried going out for animal sketching in the zoo I ended up with disappointing results because the animals were hyper as hell and moving all around (and I was too slow probably)...I also like the style in your graphite sketches, keep up the amazing work!
I also totally second what you wrote in the post about your goals, it was a nice read indeed. I think sometimes it's really hard to determine what one really wants to do (I'm in the middle of it a bit as well), but it's definitely worth it in the end! Go for it, I'm curious what you come up with (:
Thanks for the zoodles post... suprisingly these ended up in a show (albeit a short one), but they were lumped in with a bunch of other artists that had also contributed to the zoodles every week. I highly recommend if you've never done it to just visit your local zoo and scribble all day! The lizards and birds seem to be particularly good to draw because they are pretty still. Search out the Herpetarium if you have one. And the Aviary.
As far as goals go, I'm trying every day to push towards them for sure! Thanks for the push again, and I hope you do the same!
Last post is a nice read, keep it coming!
Thanks, hopefully now that I have free time over the summer I'll have a ton more posts like this.
Title: 3D Illusttration: Wrap-Up
Notes: So, at the end of every semester we are supposed to do a (per-class) wrap-up of all that we did during the semester. Here's my booklet for everything done in 3D Illustration. I learned a ton in this class, met some great people, and ultimately discovered that I love clay, but it's hard as hell! So besides personal experiments and things, I think I will still stick with my traditional illustration for now.
Oh, and I also just recently discovered that Gears won for the Best in Class show!!!! You can actually see more details below and if you want to actually see the piece check the dates as well and go check it out! This blew my mind!
Best in Class Artists Announced
The list of artists selected for the Best in Class 2013/2014 exhibition is out! Artists were selected through faculty nominations. Each department head nominated four works from their respective departments from the past academic year. The exhibition will be on view in the Main Gallery from May 17 through July 11.
Selected artists include Jade Thiraswas, Zachary Lyles, Amanda Weidman, David Hook, Kandace Fuller, Carolina Salcedo, Mary Weber, Philip Rule, Machel Kazungu, Aminah Williams, Alexander Swilley, Samantha Nemazie, Joshua Strydom, Matthew Ton, Rachel Stovall, Lindsey Sullinger, Spencer Laws, Ben Hancock, Jessica Vandenberg, Laura Miller, Glenn Buxton, Julie Bartlow, Ruby Zielinski, Shoni Campbell, Margaret Perez, Cecilia Reed, Colton Berretta, Mathew Kaminski, Robby Berretta, Emily Miller, April Rodriguez, Jefferson Muncy, Kelly Cook, Barrett Smyth, Nialah Brathwaite, Ashlyn Richey, Nicole Trimble, Vanessa Gonzalez, Lyman Anderson, Christian Brown, LeKeishya Alexander, Caenina Moore, Natalie Jackson, George Brooks, Joni Miller, Mary Shore, and Elizabeth Davis.
3D Illustration: SmartBomb
![[Image: matSM.jpg]](
Title: 3D Illusttration: SmartBomb
Medium: Super Sculpy, Acrylic Paint
Notes: Here was another 3D Illustration project that we did along the way. For this one we had a guest speaker come in and tell us all about the process of getting a job, the art pipeline, and what it takes to really succeed. I honestly think that given this talk was a good motivator to push forward. Stop questioning what your doing because if you're questioning it, it's just not right. My fiancee has been really pushing me forward for awhile now. And I think now it's time to really get out there and start putting myself out to do work.
Anyway, back to this piece... We were given what I thought was a mundane idea, mouthwash, and somehow it developed into this crazy ass character. I think if he were to become an actual product design, I would want him to be hollowed out and made of plastic and have the bomb's wick be a straw or something. That way he doubles as a cup too.
3D Illustration: Gears
![[Image: matt_robby_colton_sm.jpg]](
Title: 3D Illusttration: Gears
Medium: Mixed Media
Notes: For the final 3D illustration project we were allowed to work in teams and had to create more-or-less a scene and storyboard.
I looked to my right immediately and there was instantly like a silent agreement between Colton, Rob, and I. So off we went, just throwing around suggestions and different ideas. I think somewhere in there I was like, "Let's do a self-portrait of ourselves as adventurers trying to break into a dungeon." <we all shook our head pretty quickly to that> So we kept scribbling and searching for ideas, and I just kinda toss out this idea of, "Hey... what if we were to do robots. DRUNK ROBOTS!" <again, we all shook our head and kind of had a laugh> There was a silence over us for a few minutes. I think there was a certain hive mind brewing for a minute about this. And then I think it was Rob that looked over and was just like, "Well... what if we did Wall-E as a wanted poster.", to which I responded, "Yeah, he would be wanted for Grand Theft because he's constantly putting shit in that little drawer of his!" <laughter ensues> And literally from that moment, the project's scope just grew and grew. Looking back, I wonder if this project is a testament to see just how far and ridiculous we can go with a project.
Regardless, it was incredibly fun! I also think that after the fact, Rob looked at us and was like... I think I want to make an entire city of this stuff! Potential for future team-projects? We shall see...
So here's the breakdown of who did what:
Mat Kaminski - passed out drunkard robot, bar stools, and all the advertisements and posters on the wall.
Colton Beretta - the bartender and all the accessories to the bar - cups, bottles, mugs.
Rob McElhaney - "wrestler bot", and the bar itself, and gears logo.
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Love the zoodoodle and this robo bar set. Nothing really beats building an actual model like that. James Gurney builds a whole lot of models for his paintings too.
About the soul-searching bit, I think it might be a lot harder when one gets older. So definitely good to do early on. Now, even when I soul-search a lot, nothing certain seem to come up. Things come up, but it is always set upon by packs of Doubt, and shredded up within a week, tops.
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----- REPLIES -----
Love the zoodoodle and this robo bar set. Nothing really beats building an actual model like that. James Gurney builds a whole lot of models for his paintings too.
About the soul-searching bit, I think it might be a lot harder when one gets older. So definitely good to do early on. Now, even when I soul-search a lot, nothing certain seem to come up. Things come up, but it is always set upon by packs of Doubt, and shredded up within a week, tops.
Thanks... yeah, it was my first real foray into actual 3D. I can't say that it's the easiest thing I've ever done and quite honestly, I thought I was going to be better at it, but that shit is hard! I have a much bigger appreciation for sculptors now than I did before...
Yeah, being close to thirty makes me part of the older folks I'd imagine, but I don't really care and honestly, I don't feel any older at all. Realistically I just want to start working and I think all doubt will shred away. I think that's the main thing. Luckily I have school currently holding me up. One more year to go, and then I'll be figuring out what to do in the long run. Hopefully it will be an easy transition... right?
30-Minutes of Poses
![[Image: 30-min-poses1.jpg]](
Title: 30-Minutes of Poses
Date: May 8, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: I'm going to be using these as warm-ups all summer long. Thirty minutes of what I would consider, pre-workouts. Every time I'm thinking of doing any art, this is what I will start with.
Thursday: Drapery Study
![[Image: dress-study+copy.jpg]](
Title: Thursday: Drapery Study
Date: May 8, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Scale: Original is 1600px x 964px
Notes: Initially this was going to be a full render of a character. But I only wanted to actually be a drapery study. So I thought about what Ashley tells me:
She says, "If you want to do a study, you should really just focus on the area that you want to study. Crop the damn picture and stop wasting your time on all the extrenous stuff. Just paint what is neccessary for the study only."
Wise words... and hilariously enough, ones that I'd never considered.
Thursday: Anatomy - Hands
![[Image: helping-hands+copy.jpg]](
Title: Thursday: Anatomy - Hands
Date: May 8, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: Also everyday I will be playing with a different part of the anatomy. Thursday's was hands.
Officially done with the semester... now time for some just chill painting.
For Justice!
![[Image: soldier-study+copy.jpg]](
Title: For Justice
Date: May 4, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Scale: Original is 1068px x 1600px
Notes: After seeing so many impressionist renderings this semester, I think I've been getting quite a bit looser with my painting. I think that it will be quite some time before I get to the mastery level that they are, but I think it's fun to try!
Ultimately this summer will be all about going back to the roots, trying out new things, and just trying to all-around get better.
This is the first of MANY for the summer... but I thought I would start it now.
And I'll try to do one of these each time... Tutorial below.
Title: Comics 2: Duality
Date: April 25 - 30, 2014
Medium: Graphite
Scale: Each 'page' is 9" x 12"
Notes: There is quite a bit to be said about the resolution. As in, I need a ton more there. BUT, I wanted to make my final foray into comics for awhile be at least a nicely detailed one. I think, just like always, that there are places that need some serious work, but I wanted to try my damnedest to really push it for this one. I've been told in class that I was slacking it pretty hard when it came to my comic work, so I wanted to try and pick it up somewhat at least.
Ultimately I wanted to fully color the cover (which I may do over the summer), but it was lots of fun. If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now: "Comics artists are badasses!" I can't keep up with the amount of work that you guys would have. Pushing it down this fast... I could barely keep a hold of my cards, which was still a ridiculously fast-paced project (more on this next post hopefully).
Anyway, just wanted to share...
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30-Minutes of Poses 2
![[Image: 30-min-poses2.jpg]](
Title: 30-Minutes of Poses 2
Date: May 9, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Thursday: Anatomy - Backs
![[Image: anatomy-backs+copy.jpg]](
Title: Thursday: Anatomy - Backs
Date: May 9, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Friday: Still Life with Materials
![[Image: still-life+copy.jpg]](
Title: Friday: Still-Life with Materials
Date: May 9, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Scale: Original is 1648px x 2412px
Notes: On Friday I want to make a still-life and fill it with different materials. Of course painting from life is always the best way to go. I just kind of tossed a cloth down and put my razor down because it had metal and plastic and lights. And was all searching around the room for something else interesting. Ashley just looks over grabs a potted plant and just slams it down and then smiles back at me. I was all like... PERFECT! And here's the results...
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Illustration 4: Ascension Returns
![[Image: cards-arranged-6.jpg]](
Title: Illustration 4: Ascension Returns
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: So... you thought you would never see this project again, didn't you.
If you go back to the very first post here... there's a chunk for my associate degree undergrad for the Ascension card game.
There has been many, many changes since then, but this is closer to how I envisioned it from then.
For this project we had little more than a month to come up with a full card deck. I immediately jumped on the bandwagon to redo this old-as-hell project and decided to take it a step further and see if I could act in-lieu of art director and pull in two other students as well.
Britney Boswell and Robert Burns were both recruited into this mad-house of a card project. We were each to do eighteen fully illustrated cards for this card game and then assemble them all together in a coherent deck.
This is of course only a small sampling of the card game as a whole, as there are approximately 480 or so cards for the first set. But this is my go at it... I want to revisit a bunch of these as well as continue working more on these.
Either way, this is such a fun and passion-fueled project that I hope I can see the project one day become something fully worthy of the effort involved.
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5-13-2014 Tuesday: Anatomy - Chests
![[Image: anatomy-chests-combo.jpg]](
Title: 5-13-2014 Tuesday: Anatomy - Chests
Date: May 13, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
5-14-2014 Wednesday: Anatomy - Hands
![[Image: helping-hands2.jpg]](
Title: 5-14-2014 Wednesday: Anatomy - Hands
Date: May 8 & 13, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Applied Studies - The Pest Controller
![[Image: soldier-study-3.jpg]](
Title: Applied Studies - The Pest Controller
Date: May 13 & 14, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: Over on the Permanoobs forum they are doing character of the weeks and things, similar to old conceptart ones. Well, this week (I think the deadline already popped) was The Pest Controller. Here's my start just for fun.
Title: Wednesday - Still Life with Metal and Leather
Date: May 14, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Scale: Original is 2550px x 1908px
Notes: I wanted to try and combine a few materials into one still-life.
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5-16-2014 Thursday: Amatomy - Backs
![[Image: anatomy-backs-combined.jpg]](
Title: 5-16-2014 Friday: Anatomy - Backs
Date: May 9 & 16, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
5-15-2014 Thursday: Amatomy - Legs
![[Image: anatomy-legs-combo.jpg]](
Title: 5-15-2014 Friday: Anatomy - Legs
Date: May 15, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Head for a Day
![[Image: bleh-head+copy.jpg]](
Title: Head for a Day
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: I don't really consider these finals so much as just sketches... I need to make a more realized attempt this week. Anyway... more soon.
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Really dig those arm studies! The others look good as well. How much time do you spend on these, I mean you consider them sketches, yet some of them (most of them) look already pretty refined to me? (Or did this only account for the head studies?)
I like the overall design of the pest controller, but I think the blurry lines make it a bit hard to get all the details of the work. It doesn't disturb me that much in the line-only drawings though. (Maybe it's also just personal flavor.)
It's great you're doing so many studies, keep it up! And thanks a lot for coming back to my sketchbook and helping me out, I really appreciate it (:
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Bringing the house down with all the studies bro! Really liking it when you leave the shadows flat and put the details in the lights, those places for the eye to rest work great against the busy sketchy brushstrokes
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Dude you're a painting machine...
Zoo doodle question: how do you hold a sketchbook, a brush, and a water container all at once to do those ink wash studies? Don't your arms die after 5 minutes? Or it is just my arms are disgracefully weak?
I used to think game concept artist is what I should be too. Even went back to grad school thinking that. Now that I'm out, I don't feel like I want to fight off all the competitions, then dedicate 10 hours a day into making games. ... unless it's Firaxis. But the point is you won't know unless you give it a go, and listen to your instincts, even if it's telling you to painfully change course.
When you do those color, digital studies, do you always keep the whole canvas on screen when it's bigger than your screen, or do you zoom in to paint? I've never liked doing studies on computer because I can't see the whole "canvas" together. Also I haven't transitioned to picking color from the wheel instead of mixing them on a palette. I want to get into color digital studies though, because it should be less hassle/mess than setting up paint and paper...I think.
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----- REPLIES -----
Dude you're a painting machine...
Zoo doodle question: how do you hold a sketchbook, a brush, and a water container all at once to do those ink wash studies? Don't your arms die after 5 minutes? Or it is just my arms are disgracefully weak?
I used to think game concept artist is what I should be too. Even went back to grad school thinking that. Now that I'm out, I don't feel like I want to fight off all the competitions, then dedicate 10 hours a day into making games. ... unless it's Firaxis. But the point is you won't know unless you give it a go, and listen to your instincts, even if it's telling you to painfully change course.
When you do those color, digital studies, do you always keep the whole canvas on screen when it's bigger than your screen, or do you zoom in to paint? I've never liked doing studies on computer because I can't see the whole "canvas" together. Also I haven't transitioned to picking color from the wheel instead of mixing them on a palette. I want to get into color digital studies though, because it should be less hassle/mess than setting up paint and paper...I think.
Heya Meat!
So, to address this question is kind of a silly answer...
Firstly, buy two of these:
What I do is fill one completely up with ink, and then the other one completely up with water.
Do all of your flats in solid ink black, let them dry for a small amount of time, and then lay down black and immediately hit it with the pure water one.
Think of this pretty much like painting in washes.
If you're fast enough, the ink will actually move instantaneously and you shouldn't have any problem.
To further this, I highly recommend that you get a mix media canson sketchbook, or something damn close to it.
As far as the competition thing goes, I mean, sure it's hard to visualize working in such an industry, but I think it's safe to say that anything in the art industry is super highly competitive.
I'd honestly just suggest that you just simply make art and don't really worry right now where specifically it'll take you.
Dedicate yourself with enough time, and I can only hope that it will pay off (of course, I'm still in this step, so I'll get back to you on the true success rate). :P
I'm actually planning on doing some livestreaming soon to really show how I paint and maybe it will help you in some respects to learn digital painting.
It was a really hard leap for me to get over, and sometimes simply doing it is the best lesson you can have.
The only real big difference I see is dry time honestly, between digital and traditional.
I of course am getting more fluent with digital, but I still ultimately would love to learn oil painting!
Add to that the fact that I learned how to digital paint by watching like a thousand videos on how oil painters do their tricks.
And finally, if you look through the slightly earlier chunk of my sketchbook, you can find my exact brush pack and also Marc Brunet's brush tutorial.
That was really the key to pushing me forward.
Anyway, sorry bout that long-winded response, hope it helps.
Quote:Samszym :
Bringing the house down with all the studies bro! Really liking it when you leave the shadows flat and put the details in the lights, those places for the eye to rest work great against the busy sketchy brushstrokes
I have a tendency to paint from dark to light - which makes me flatten out first and then build up the lighter tones.
Thanks for complements!
Really dig those arm studies! The others look good as well. How much time do you spend on these, I mean you consider them sketches, yet some of them (most of them) look already pretty refined to me? (Or did this only account for the head studies?)
I like the overall design of the pest controller, but I think the blurry lines make it a bit hard to get all the details of the work. It doesn't disturb me that much in the line-only drawings though. (Maybe it's also just personal flavor.)
It's great you're doing so many studies, keep it up! And thanks a lot for coming back to my sketchbook and helping me out, I really appreciate it (:
I try to make it a point to only spend about thirty ish minutes on each study, but sometimes time can get away from me because I'm really trying to interpret that color to it's maximum.
The pest controller is still definitely a WIP character that I need to address more. More on this one below, and yet more to come for sure!
I love trying to help in any way I can. I think when I first started out I got a ton of help and so I'm trying to return the favor as often as I can...
5-19-2014 Monday: Anatomy - Heads
![[Image: bleh-head_sm.jpg]](
Title: 5-19-2014 Monday: Anatomy - Heads
Date: May 16 & 19, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Title: Applied Studies - The Pest Controller
Date: May 13 - 21, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Notes: Over on the Permanoobs forum they are doing character of the weeks and things, similar to old conceptart ones. Well, this week (I think the deadline already popped) was The Pest Controller. Here's my start just for fun. Still working on different things, so I think I missed the deadline, but I would still like to work on it.
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Gonna try this out... come listen to music, chat, and watch some painting for a bit!
Painting a random environment!
Listening to Glitch Mob!…
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Joined: Jan 2014
Hey Mat, I'm so sorry I suddenly disappeared from the stream yesterday! I kept on sending you messages until I noticed that they didn't even go trough, (XD) and when I had a closer look I saw that my wlan was dead ): I tried to connect again for a while but no luck. I hope to catch you online again some other time. Thanks for telling me those tricks, and I'm curios of the results from your character design exercise!
And yay, with the colours the details in the pest controller pic get more distinguishable immediately. Just a little question though, the tube from the mask, where is it attached to? It only kind of disappears into the jacket. I hope I'm not too annoying with all my questions and nagging >.<
Posts: 140
Threads: 2
Joined: Oct 2013
----- REPLIES -----
Hey Mat, I'm so sorry I suddenly disappeared from the stream yesterday! I kept on sending you messages until I noticed that they didn't even go trough, (XD) and when I had a closer look I saw that my wlan was dead ): I tried to connect again for a while but no luck. I hope to catch you online again some other time. Thanks for telling me those tricks, and I'm curios of the results from your character design exercise!
And yay, with the colours the details in the pest controller pic get more distinguishable immediately. Just a little question though, the tube from the mask, where is it attached to? It only kind of disappears into the jacket. I hope I'm not too annoying with all my questions and nagging >.<
Hey hey! It's all good... I kinda had to get off anyway, I was starting to just fizzle out. But I plan on doing more soon. I'll post here just like last time when they come up. It was a fun and new experience for me. I love trying to help out and as always, anytime I log on, you can ask me any questions you want. Usually my skype is on as well, so you can message me there as well.
Maybe this time I'll do something that will actually be worthy of streaming like a character design or photostudy or something hahaha... the environment study was just ... ehhhhh... but anyway!
The character design is a little weak on the bug exterminator guy and I should probably think a little more in-depth about the design. That tube really does seem to be going nowhere... hmmmmmm.
Thanks for the comments though!
Anatomy Studies for May
![[Image: anatomy-for-may.jpg]](
Title: Anatomy Studies for May
Date: May 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS3
Scale: Each 'image' varies in size.
Notes: This is pretty much the sum-up from the month of May for my anatomy studies. I plan on doing more of these during June, so this is of course just the first month of true studies. All-in-all just a combination of all of them smashed together.
Class Variance: Druid
![[Image: class-variance-mage-wip.jpg]](
Title: Class Variance: Druid
Date: May 28, 2014
Medium: Photoshop CS6
Notes: I'm trying to start working on a 'what-if' hypothetical project. It will consist of a bunch of different character designs based on the generic character archetypes that are in MMOs. This is of course the first of many... and it is also a bit of a WIP still.
![[Image: sketch-fest.jpg]](
Title: WIPs
Date: Varies
Medium: Photoshop CS3, CS6
Scale: Each 'image' varies in scale.
Notes: I just want to get all caught up for the time that I've been away... just some half-starts and studies.
Posts: 140
Threads: 2
Joined: Oct 2013
Streaming in about 5 minutes...
Gotta queue up the tunes, and then away we go... not sure what we'll be painting today, but... ehhh :)
Bit of a metal day perhaps...?
Posts: 140
Threads: 2
Joined: Oct 2013
Still trying out this livestream thing...
Today's results so far... still a WIP