BLOODSPORT 5 - Spirited Away

- Don't spoil anything.
- Keep the fantastic creatures as they are but render them.
- Keep the mood from the original movie poster going. Try to capture it without copying it.

Personal Challenge:

- Go big!
- Paint an environment. Q.Q
- Focus on the composition.


I did three different comps but the one that made sense to me was the second one since it had good and compelling forms IMO.

[Image: Miyazakis%20comp%20combo2.jpg]


Originally I planed on adding the parents as pigs but once I started painting the whole thing I decided that adding them just made the painting unbalanced. SO even thou I did a study of pigs I'm sad that they didn't make the cut. The other studies made the rest of the painting much stronger.

[Image: Kimono.jpg]
[Image: Pigs.jpg]
[Image: Frogs.jpg]
[Image: Eyes%20and%20mouths.jpg]


This is without a shadow of a doubt my hardest paintings ever! So many things to keep in check and still keeping the whole image even. This painting took me to hell and back but the reward is so sweet. I learnt tons of things and what I need to work on in order to get better at this.

[Image: 1-17%20final2.jpg]

Final painting:

[Image: Spirited%20Away%2017%20final.jpg]

I very happy with the result. Good luck to everyone who entered! :D

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