Danny's crappy book of sketches
(01-05-2014, 09:32 AM)Jaik Wrote: Haha nice bee woman sketch :) I like how you put the flower in the foreground too. Note saying to change it now, but maybe on the next one you do try and work on a more dynamic pose or action, because right now shes kinda just standing in a field being all like ' Oooh yeah, flower, I see you there. Cant wait to stick my proboscis inside you. Gonna probe you so hard..'

Wow.. that got sexual really quickly.. My bad....

Hope that gets my point across though >.>

Hahahaha, yes I totally agree. I need to experiment with different poses, I'll be doing that next. It does look like she's quite into that flower though X-smile
Testing poses for a while but got bored and messed around on zbrush

Not much digital stuff today...as in only one piece. But I can explain, school has started up so I now have to spend more time on my actual physical sketchbook so I'll be scanning loads of pages in but also keep up with digital 2d and 3d.

I did a bunch of leg anatomy studies at school but it was on a A3 sketch book so it didn't fit in my bag to scan at home so ill be using an A4 sketchbook. Hooorrayy here come the life studies of people at the canteen!

I'm extremely bad at anything traditional sooo yeah, they're going to be horrendously bad. :D

Always end it with messing around in Zbrush why not

Sup dude, nice sketchbook work! Every face you drew is 3/4 looking to the left or straight on, try some more variety in your head positions, and work on nailing that construction before you go into features or detailing.

(01-09-2014, 12:31 AM)Samszym Wrote: Sup dude, nice sketchbook work! Every face you drew is 3/4 looking to the left or straight on, try some more variety in your head positions, and work on nailing that construction before you go into features or detailing.

I always draw faces in either 3/4 or straight on it's terrible I need to study some other angles definitely. My friend is always telling me to stop drawing the same head positions but I keep getting into my comfort zone, I think it's time for a change. I get super lazy with my construction lines, the more I do it the more I want to just skip a lot of it but I must persist.

The worst thing is that I know a lot of my mistakes but I just can't be bothered to try and fix it and I settle for something that could be so much better if I put more effort in the thought behind it. I must devote concentration when studying. Vicious circle that.

Thanks for the guidance my good sir!
random nonsensical sketches, random messing around on zbrush and nonsensical study with effort <3

Nice effort! Looks to me like you're drawing the features too soon in those heads, try building them up in simple forms before you draw any of the things that you recognize as a face. Make a sphere with sides chopped off for the cranium, a block to locate the nose, a cylinder to locate the mouth, etc. Nail those simplified forms, then move on to details! If you get the features of the skull and construction right you'll have already drawn an awesome head before even thinking of the eyelashes or nostrils.

Continue to rock!!!

@Samszym I'm going through some Michael Hampton for maximum thinking in simple shapes and some loomis now and again for the really precise stuff. I sort of have to start from zero with this as I never put any effort into it, it's surprisingly more enjoyable than I thought. Thanks for the encouragement! Kiss

Here are some quick studies with some random fun and some ketches at school!

All from memory! Look at those hands, never been able to do that. I'm just having a good drawing day I think :D

Worked on animation stuff, too crap to show because it really is bad. But I did some experimenting with colour and texture as it's something I'm neglecting.

Niiice stuff. Doing things from memory is very important, because you cant let your imagination fall behind your observational drawing. Sycra has a pretty good hands vid on youtube if you havent already checked that out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbt1l4tBJg

Keep pushing it, you are definitely getting better! :D


Thanks! Yeah thanks for that video I remember watching it a year ago or so and didn't realise how useful it was till now. I will be using it for guidance that's for sure, thanks again! But studying at the moment is draining me big time so I'm spending time on stuff from memory and having some fun, even if it's crap ahaha

Did some sketches at school but mainly working on some animation. Trying to learn how to animate whilst trying to keep a constant daily sketchbook with consistent work is a baaad idea. It takes a million years. But oh well it's fun :D

Anyway here are some of the few things I did today

*must try harder*

love the hard work! KEEP GRINDIN!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(01-14-2014, 11:58 PM)Fedodika Wrote: love the hard work! KEEP GRINDIN!

Thanks for the support! Going good so far!

Here are today's sketches, not a lot again but still working on animation

Hell yeah man! Lots of hard work in here, definitely kicking me in the butt!
Keep the pendulum swinging!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(01-15-2014, 08:40 AM)smrrfette Wrote: Hell yeah man! Lots of hard work in here, definitely kicking me in the butt!
Keep the pendulum swinging!!

Thank you! Your comment genuinely helps improve my motivation! <3

Today's workings. Almost done with animating, work output should hopefully increase.

Are you gonna be posting the animation work? I wanna seeeeee :0

(01-16-2014, 11:51 AM)Samszym Wrote: Are you gonna be posting the animation work? I wanna seeeeee :0

I know you're all about animation but trust me, you don't want to see this ahaha I might end up posting some animation in a month or so but at the moment...this is what's best for the world! It's all just balls and sacks with personalities D:

Today I messed around again and got away from the formal studying for a while, my faces become very uncanny at times, specially when I draw mouths open. I think I need to study more about muscles in the face and really simplifying the forms.


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