The Daily Study Group
Trying to turn the pelvis in my head to fix some of my connectivity issues. Because I'm drawing the contours of the figure and shapes of muscles without understanding the underlying structure fully in form first, I've had so many nonsensical drawings and noodly-figures. I'm hoping these are those first few awkward steps before I start running...
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Still lifin'

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50 min still life & enviro

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trying to speed up a little. 2-5 minute gestures.
[Image: 12278742366_f6a2360829_c.jpg]

so much I've yet to learn. Alex Oliver statue study, and a quick still life.

[Image: rudd.gif]

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Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
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My Facebook page: MCIII
well shit I am terrible at posting but here is my dump of studies guys really going to start trying to post a little quicker and not all at once like this :P

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just 2 short supplementary studies

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gestures from yesterday and today and then a head study I did tonight. I am also going on 990 gestures in the last month, moving towards 1000! Will keep pushing them. Now working on 100 heads!

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Busy busy week the Vampyre Project crowd funding starting up.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
here are some more studies! keep pushing guys!

Did 2 minute head gestures, will be moving that to longer times will have a stream tomorrow and discuss some things I want to do moving forward and hopefully bring to you guys!

only gestures this time to share.

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Hey Hey!
sorry gang for dropping out a bit, the last couple weeks have been insane, but glad to be back into the thick of it! ;D

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[Image: U0KJZ8c.jpg]
[Image: 4L8lOLP.jpg]

[Image: lAsAHy3.jpg]

I need to get a lot better at my timed still-lives. They really leave a lot to be desired. Working on trying to visualize form and draw constructionally which is still a bit of a challenge for me. I don't want to spend too much time, so I think it might be a good idea to clarify what I'm working on. initially I was focusing on trying to make the perspective match, but instead of outlining a grid I free-handed it which led to disaster since I still have issues accurately laying lines where I want them to go with the stylus. I then switched to trying to get the colors right, simultaneous to my candle melting and changing the light. (I'll be using a constant light source for future studies) I feel like I also have trouble establishing the rate of change in value and color across a forms accurately. I think that's broken down into doing the values materials studies to consider the relative values for each object. Overtly trying to combine a lot of these leads to poor time management where I'll rush and skip overt details, e.g. the stitching on the baseball, pattern in the lantern's glass, ect.
-Anywhatsit, good to see where I need work! ^__^

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[Image: v0edyh9.jpg]

more gestures time has been a little bit of a constraint lately been spending more time on these as well. I do the first 10 5 mins each, then I do the 2 minutes for the next 10 then finally dont time the ones from my head, trying to analyze what I am doing wrong and whats up with my anatomy and proportions. Also started to tone my document.

Sorry I'm so late posting these, keep up the work! we'll re-group and chat about stuff this week. I'll message people on Facebook and we can get into a chat about when and how we are continuing these my schedule has been rocky since the crowd funding launch.

Some of them are composition studies and I'll post those when I get through the break downs in one sheet.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
[Image: skauFvV.gif] hi

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