Hi everyone!
I'm new to the digital arts. I won a 'Intuos Pro M' on a small competition and it awakened my interest in digital arts. Now I would like to learn how to make 3d like creatures, realistic portraits... or actually almost everything. :) I appreciate your help on my journey. By the way, I study industrial design but it almost finished, i am in my last semester.

I send my gratitude to Toxicpanda for introducing me this forum, otherwise i wouldn't be here and know that there is a forum like this one.
Hey, MrNobody!

Welcome to the daggers!

Whoa, congrats on the win. It sure is an awesome prize haha. Sounds good, I look forward to following you on your journey ~

I hope you enjoy your stay with us, don't forget to make a sketchbook thread and start posting away :)

sketchbook | pg 52

I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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