Portrait study - Seeking critique
Hi guys !

I'm really into portrait lately so I try to study as much as I can.

Here's a study I did yesterday. I forced myself to do it without color picking from the reference and only on one layer. I have to refine the eyes but I'm pretty happy with it, I really think I took a step with this study so I wonder now what come next. What can I improve, what can I study to make it even better ?

It's always helpful when showing a study to show the thing you studied from. Also, I'm not sure that external critique of a study is really that useful to be honest. The study is for you to learn from.

The T shirt neck area looks way too small compared to his head which makes it looks overly large, but I think you did quite a good job from photo ref. You got a good likeness which is hard to do.
I think the ears could be better structurally and the hair could have better volume to it.

Now here's the main issue I have. Personally, I think with portraits, the really successful ones are the ones that leave out things and don't look at absolutely everything in minute detail. It's about the lost and found edges, the impression, expression, the vitality and character of the subjecct.

You made a really nice reproduction of a photograph which had some of those things and no doubt you learned a lot but I think you'd learn even more doing studies of portrait master paintings instead. Let's face it, a camera can do a better job than you at reproducing details quickly, at any time, so why not try practicing what a camera can't do!!
The next thing after that is to start doing these from life.

Hope that helps.

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