work in progress-opinions and critique welcome
I started with a sketch done in google sketchup and transferred to Ps Cs5

[Image: mountain_by_oxiso-d72ku4y.jpg]

then defined the elements
[Image: mountain2_by_oxiso-d72ktvq.jpg]

apply texture
[Image: mountain3_by_oxiso-d72ktwa.jpg]

[Image: mountain4_by_oxiso-d72ktwp.jpg]

and finally more color
[Image: mountain5_by_oxiso-d72ktx4.jpg]
Dude, you need to do a rock tutorial

I have a few suggestions.

First, I don't think that red on his cloak would be so eh... red. It sort of seems like an overcast day and I think the colors would get a little washed out from that.

Second, I would find a way to bring some of that red on his cloak somewhere else... a red glow in the doorway might be nice. I think that would help connect the elements better.

Third, this dude looks ill prepared for a journey in the snow. :P

I like how you have laid the fundamentals out for the image with the basic perspective first. I'm inclined to agree with jj aaron as far as the cloak and the brightness of colour goes. I also feel the figure is a little too big so maybe making it a bit smaller could help make the temple building a bit more daunting.

thank you all, I'll take his advice and then I'll post the results

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