Bloodsport #5 Kiki's Delivery service
Coming down to the wire, but I must push on! Here's my first attempt at a Bloodsport challenge. My favorite Miyazaki film is Kiki's Delivery Service, as much as his other movies are cool I will always love Kiki most. I always draw a parallel to Kiki's struggles to become a witch to my own struggles as an artist. It also reminds me of how much I miss Phil Hartman :(

Anyways enough with the mushy nonsense, time to post my work so far.

Thumbnails, came up with two illustrations I really liked.

[Image: kiki1.jpg]

Felt like Kiki flying on her broom strick had already been done enough in the promo artwork, so I settled with a shot in the bakery where she works.

[Image: kiki2.jpg]

Messing around with my color palettes, discovered something I like.

[Image: kiki3.jpg]

Pushing forward!

[Image: kiki4.jpg]
Progress Up until this point, yay! Go Go!

[Image: kiki5.jpg]

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