Portrait Painting
Hello everyone! I did this portrait of Sakura from Naruto a few weeks ago, and despite the clear flaws I'm actually pretty happy with it. So I'd like everyone to tear it apart for me!

[Image: tumblr_mz42u3XGEm1qk63doo1_500.png]

Thanks so much guys!

Here is the paint over! Also you can watch the Critique I livestreamed here: http://www.livestream.com/mciii

The images of that actress are for you to use, see the video.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers: www.twitch.tv/mike086
Loomis Study videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/mike086

My Facebook page: MCIII
Hey man, sorry for the late reply, but thanks so much for the paintover, I really appreciate it! I definitely see what you mean about the contrast, I think I'm gonna start working on value studies and portraits a lot more to practice that. Thanks again!


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