Need help
Finally, I finished this but I am not happy with result so please help me.

Hey there, you should be more specific when asking for help, what do you think that needs help? the proportions? the rendering? the colors? etc.
So i did a super quick paint over, i changed a few things like proportions and abolished that boobplate haha i hope you dont mind.
But from what i can see, the biggest problem is the proportions, you rendered some parts like the shoulder pads nicely, but the arms and the hands are really small compared to the rest of the upper body and the upper body is way to small compared to the legs.
Also, check out the direction of the legs and feet.
And for the face, i dont know what kind of character do you wanted to represent, but the aware that the more lines and muscles you make visible on a face, the more old/masculine it will look.

I second that you should be more specific on the help you want.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Her posing is a little stiff, theres no real power in the pose, this could have been helped with a photosreferences adn some structure before you got to rendering.

And while Im on the rendering I think that part looks great : )

But you can sit there for hours painting a "house" with no "floor" or "walls" and it will still fall apart in the end.

Its an easy mistake to make, just practise and try reading a bit about dynamic posing, or sketching people in general. And ofcourse, use refernces" pose yourself and take a picture if you have too!

it helps SO much : )

something like this might help : )

good luck
The main problem is choosing color I found very difficult to pick up a color.

Thank you..

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