ship docks
hey guys, concept is sci fi ship docks, large cargo ship (?) being unloaded , some guys at the front doing logistics on what will be a large hologram/touch interface.
basically trying to work out how im going to sell the place as a dock and not just a big open space, and how to spark some life into this.
i did my thumbs and this seemed the best. apparently.
any help would be great, cheers :)

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Train, gain, or stay the same.
There are some really interesting things happening in this image so far shape and scale wise so I look forward to seeing where you take it.
Anyway just some thoughts from my end~
I'd say the main thing to consider here is what your focus is supposed to be in the image. You say you want it to read as a dock then I would add more ships and perhaps change the angle of the camera to show that, even if it's just one more coming in for a landing or something to add a little more movement to the image. Right now I am being drawn more to the people in the front than I am to the giant ship which makes me wonder if having them there is entirely necessary. I know you wanna add the hologram thing for them to be working on, but perhaps there is a better spot for them than the foreground. Unless the idea is for us to be looking through their work space outward to the happenings of the dock in which case their placement makes more sense, but what's gonna be drawing my focus toward the ship/ the unloading. Perhaps something in particular is being unloaded, or someone is being welcomed/ escorted from the ship.

thanks, yep focus is a killer in this, i need to make a decent focal point on the ship i think, or at least somewhere on the dock. I think i may have some workers with fork lifts with cargo on them buzzing around maybe, or as you said maybe some more smaller ships.
yeh the idea is that there is a transparent screen which they are seeming to operate the dock logistic with, kinda like airtraffic control, and that hopefully adds to the narrative and sets the scene that this is a commercial kinda dock rather than a surprise attack or something.
will see what i can do to make a focal point, someone being welcomed in would be cool actually.... will have a think, thanks very much!

Train, gain, or stay the same.
Need more clutter. Clutter of various tools related to docking a ship, un/loading of cargo, cleaning the dock, maybe tools laying about for instant small repair or adjustments if it's an older or not a well-made dock (like a poorer country/town that doesn't have a lot of funds when building it).

Sorry quick reply don't mean to sound terse.


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