Skeleton warrior grey values concept, crit/flame this!
Classic "skeleton warrior makes you throw a d20 dice" D&D style...
Okay so I'm finding myself at the point were I fell that the only way to keep on improving on this is to start a new one.
Still I'll be happy to have honest and strong crits on this, especially about values and blending treatments... Working by values is still new for me.

Tried to keep this as a character concept sketch exercise, something to give a sense of the character without painting it for a week. (Was doing this following C. Bowater's class on skillshare: )

Rain this with crits/flame/"dude u doin' it wrong"/what have you Wisecracker

You might add some, I don't know, atmosphere, to this character by having this hanging a lot because it's hollow everywhere. For example, the arrows on its chest pointing down because it's only held there by thin cloth. His lower body piece also hanging and being held up by additional rope/chain/etc because there's no ass cheeks to hold things up. His shoulder pads and helmet being "taped" into place by additional ... things. Wow my vocab library just went up in flames.

The arrows! Oh great I forgot about them! Wanted to make some hang out but was concentrating on the values on the character and lost track about them... duh! Also nice suggestion about the cloth/piece of armor.
(And nice vocal library, bro ^^)

(04-22-2014, 10:25 PM)Alchimi Wrote: The arrows! Oh great I forgot about them! Wanted to make some hang out but was concentrating on the values on the character and lost track about them... duh! Also nice suggestion about the cloth/piece of armor.
(And nice vocal library, bro ^^)

Yeah sorry I don't have much stuff to say about what you want to attack (value, blending treatment). The range looks good, you got white and some darkest dark. Maybe can use some more very dark to really contrast and push the skeleton off the "page". As for blending treatment, it's kind of related to what look you're after. If this is meant as a concept art, it doesn't really matter that much how you blend your brush strokes, as long as you get the design and mood across. Some one more experienced as concept artist can tell you better since I'm not...


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