I am looking for suggestions
Tourism is my passionate hobby and I love to travel around the beautiful places in different countries and states. In my upcoming vacations I am planning to go with bus tours dc and want to visit all attractions of Niagara Falls, Boston and New York City. I am looking for suggestions about famous attraction to visit there and suggest me how can I make my tour interesting one of the best tours of my life.
Ask yourself first

I am going to plan all the trip before or i am going to see from there?

what the budjet?

who travel with you?

are you there to relax or for entertainment?

do you want to eat confort zone food or try new stuff?

what the duration of the vacation?

How important is technology to me? Should i leave my cellphone and laptop at home?(This is a big one that folks often forget to take into consideration. Believe it or not, there are still places on this earth that don’t have wi-fi or cable television. Sad, but true.)

do i want the best hotel or cheap hotel(motel)?

then after you answers those question you can look with google to answers all the question you might have.

my motto is you're never best served but by yourself

but still here some link to help you because you know it i am the best(sorry my head won't pass the doorway)



Also nelson not sure why but i look at the list of all the post you make and all most all of them have 0 answers this lead me to think that the question you ask or the thing you say have no interest to other and you seem to leak the ability to make decision for yourself.It sure is good to ask question good to be sure then making stupid error i guess but maybe you need to think more before asking question you can probably answers yourself AND PLEASE PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS PERSONAL THIS IS JUST A ADVICE I AM NOT SMARTER THEN YOU.Why i say that it because sometime we make post to get answers on a plate sometime the answers is good but sometime you just end up with a bad answers and instead if you try to answers it by yourself it just for the better sometime it not.Use word not to show that you know nothing but to tell something.If you know nothing about something you should not be ashamed this a opportunity to discover something by yourself and i think this one of the best thing that can happen each day.The power of learning and the pleasure to discover.

Sorry also i feel a bit to concern about the fact that people dont answers you.I may be overeacting so [color=#FF0000] ONCE AGAIN PLEASE PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS PERSONAL THIS IS JUST A ADVICE I AM NOT SMARTER THEN YOU

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
While there isn't that much to do in Niagara Falls once you have looked at the falls and visited a handfull of tourist traps, if you went to NYC, you could spend days just at the Met, and that's just one of the fantastic musuems there. I'm not sure your money and time is best invested sitting on a bus going from one place to the other. Pick one and visit the crap out of it.

...is this another post that links to that same bus tour website again?

spammy, and kinda hilarious if you think about it.

If You are traveling alone then You should be tention free to do it. but you should to take care of expences.
this seems so spammy

3D/VFX artist, entrepreneur and photographer
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