Hello to every Dagger!

Joined a while back and thought it was high time for proper introductions.

My name is Rali, 27, currently living in Denmark, doing a BA in Linguistics, and working part-time. Have an educational background in graphic design which led to a major direction-change due to some unpleasant RSI issues (anyone familiar with tendon problems, make sure to take regular breaks). So hence the switch to all things languages - and a more serious approach to artistic development at last.

So why join the Daggers? Well, firstly, it's had a good community reputation - although lately I've heard it's gone a bit quiet. Also, because I finally let go of the ridiculous fears, expectations and the occasional mind-freezes that occur when in self-doubt. At times I thought my relationship with art hadn't been profoundly long, but after making a little timeline, the problem seems more to be that I just wasn't consistent enough. Because... fear. And lack of direction, motivation.. and a general grasp of a bigger "why".

So now that's all cleared out, I hope to meet you in the forums - will try to show up as often as possible and do some of the mentor-assignments. Any form of structure should only be helpful, right? Thanks for reading and hope to see you around! Thumbs_up


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