sweet potatoes
Hello Daggers^^

I'm Maggie, 20yrs old from Bulgaria. I've discovered art 3 years ago and ever since I'm constantly trying to improve. I study Animation now, although I found out that this isn't exactly what I want to do in future. I don't actually know what I want to do but eventually it will appear at some point.
So I decided to join you because I don't have many friends interested in art and that sucks.. big time. It's always nice to do stuff with others. I've found that this really inspires me and motivates me to draw even when I don't feel like it. Besides, you all look cool n stuff!

Right now I'm considering dropping out of University because it's frickin useless and I'm just wasting my time there. I don't have the $$ to study abroad so maybe I'll take some online classes and I'll try very very hard to become more disciplined and organised.

I really hope this isn't another almost-dead-place where people have left because it really looks nice:)
Nice to meet you sweet potatoes/Maggie. Drawing with like-minded people can definitely be motivating, I think that's why we are all here. What kind of style are you trying to learn? Who are some of your favourite/most influential artists?

Post some examples of your current work and where you want to be and I'm sure you'll get some helpful advice on how to get there. :)
Thank you for the nice welcoming, parus :)
Some artists I admire are Sam Nielson, John J. Park, Goro Fujita, Sarah Webb (even though she's my age), Loish, Jeremy Vickery, Feng Zhu, Nathan Fowkes..

Here are some pieces I really love by some of the artists I mentioned.

Sarah Webb
[Image: 9b32cf442215bb85a678d6abd4a2b106-d4inu7f.jpg]

[Image: 10273097_314762282063279_7541490852336488059_o.jpg]

[Image: aladdin_redesigns_by_reluin-d85h6c0.jpg]

Sam Nielson
[Image: a61f0d34f69a054c3c413716463.jpg]

Lane Brown
[Image: communion_by_wildweasel339-d840s4k.jpg]

John J. Park
[Image: Jp_01.jpg]

Sebastian Stark (student at FZD school)
[Image: 10533851_763624123696083_685841597422770237_o.jpg]

These are very different you might think.. and that is my main problem - I don't know what interests me the most because I like all of those, say types of art or whatever. Dnd I don't want to just pick one thing and ignore all the others. But I already said that in my sketchbook so I shouldn't repeat myself. :) In the sake of keeping things together, I won't post my artwork here, because it is already in the sketchbook topic I posted. I just don't want to spam the whole forum with my things! Anyways, I am always open for advices, critiques, comments whatever so I'd love to know what you think! :)

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