Poll: What hand do you use for drawing?
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Left hand or right hand? Or maby both?
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Ok so I was wondering, what hand are you using for drawing?
Are there any differences considering the brain?

I was wondering that because I think I am right handed but I started using my left hand recently for drawing and I realized that something was different (*duuuh*). No but seriously, I realized that my left hand is more "controlled"? It is hard to describe but I feel like with my left hand I able to make lines closer to what I imagine them than with my right hand. The pencil also feels strangely natural in my left hand.

Even though I have been using my right hand for almost all my life I am considering using my left hand from now on and training myself to use it because it feels strangely better than using my right hand. Although the lines are not really "controlled" yet, it just feels natural.

What are your experiences with that? Has anyone of you "switched hands" for drawing? How long does it take to train it usually?

But seriously probbly just means you're ambidextrous to some extent, my mums the same I believe she could use either hand for drawing but favoured the left, regardless I don't think there's any differences with the brain and if there is it's probbly very minor just go with whatevers natural I guess.

HAIL! a lot of awesome artists, musicians and ruthless conquerors through history were lefties, so maybe there is something going on, or not... xD
As for my experience, the only thing i can draw with my right hand are drunken scribbly lines, so you are probably a bit ambidextrous.

'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain' does some investigation into this stuff. Though I think the science is 20 or 30 years old by now, theres evidence that the left hand's motor functions are controlled by the right side of the brain, which is the more creative side and the left side/right hand is the more logical. The science behind it is probably investigated a lot further now.

Cool, yeah i might be a little ambidextrous. Heard that before.
I mainly use my left hand now. Just when I get impatient i switch to right for a few minutes. It takes a bit longer to draw with my left hand but it just feels so much better :D figure drawing from imagination is much easier too.
This is a little outdated, I am still drawing left-handed (its been about 2 weeks now) but here is a 9 days progress-pic i did. What do you say? (No refs used)

I have tried drawing with both hands. I am, naturally I think (I know schools are guilty of inducing right-hand-ness in kids), and funnily, the only thing I seem to miss is finer finger/wrist control.

I feel i'd achieve it with enough practice :)

drawn with left and right hand:

I usually do the figure with left hand and the clean work with my right. I am really doing that now XD
I swear I was hoping to see a majority of lefties for some reason. Ha.

I'm left handed though I tried drawing with my right hand several times and it wasn't completely bad. Maybe with a little bit of practice I could be ambidextrous.
Ok guys, i have a question. This might seem odd but how I experience it there might be something to it.
So, you know the right side of the brain is responsible for more the creative stuff, more intuitive i guess. It is also responsible for the left side of the body.
The left side of the brain is more the logic-side and also responsible for the right side of the body.

So since I have been right handed a very logic-thinking type of person. BUT now since I started using my left hand very often for a lot of things (stuff like brushing teeth too aso.) I feel like there is a shift from logic to creative. It feels like depending on what side of the body I focus my mindset and also some of my abilities are shifting.

Is a thing like that even possible? I mean I can be depressed because I am thinking logically and being very "left-brain-sided" and it feels like I can "shift" to the right side of the brain which just tunes out all that logical stuff and I feel... different. Is that too weird? XD
I mean it is very handy but have you ever heard of something like that? Is there a scientific explanation for that?
I use right hand for the drawing.
@BitingHorse no it's not possible xD Only what you feel is placebo. Come one this all division to left hemisphere more logical, right more creative is extreme simplification and true is no science can confirm all this stuff. Even when scientist say that some functions are analyzed in specific part of brain, they only mean that this part of brain is most active but whole brain is processing this information. Brain science is so much more complicated than this.
I'm left handed and I am logical, I loved math in school and I was going to be biologist :D I was always less imaginative than my friends to be honest. And never in my life I know any other left handed artist. I know few left handed people but they are normal non creative beings.

(12-15-2014, 07:18 AM)Madzia Wrote: @BitingHorse no it's not possible xD Only what you feel is placebo. Come one this all division to left hemisphere more logical, right more creative is extreme simplification and true is no science can confirm all this stuff. Even when scientist say that some functions are analyzed in specific part of brain, they only mean that this part of brain is most active but whole brain is processing this information. Brain science is so much more complicated than this.
I'm left handed and I am logical, I loved math in school and I was going to be biologist :D I was always less imaginative than my friends to be honest. And never in my life I know any other left handed artist. I know few left handed people but they are normal non creative beings.

Its all a weird topic. the brain and all and how little we know about it XD
I am more logical (and highly analytical) too but I can switch from time to time depending on the situation :D (and still this is probably logical).
It's just interesting. In analyzing I often try to push my limits and try to find out what I can and what I can't influence in my brain/thoughts/way of thinking and stuff. Highly interesting topic :D
It's a good idea to draw with your non-dominant hand, 'cause it helps you to see things differently and improve in a different way. Try it! Grin


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(12-18-2014, 08:59 AM)Bookend Wrote: It's a good idea to draw with your non-dominant hand, 'cause it helps you to see things differently and improve in a different way. Try it! Grin

Yeah it helps me alot. I almost feel like son goku of drawing when drawing with my non dominant hand XD feels so good!

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