Othrandir's sketchbook
okaay , new stuff :P

some anatomy
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some sketches

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some creatures and character-y things :P

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and a 45 min photoshop sketch , I don't like the colors :/

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Okay , so only a small digital post today :\ It's dark right now and all the sketchbook stuff are in the A3 one I have , so I can't take any pictures :D

Quick photo study , trying to figure out color basically

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a girl portrait I did from a pencil sketch , they look nothing alike :( I also don't like the expression of the colored one :\

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a random thing ( I've been going through a lot of Max Verehin's videos and I think they messed me a bit haha :D )

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and something from just now , experimenting with more stylish stuff .. I think I have to learn how to paint girls before making them stylish haha

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one more creature thing :P

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I'm super sorry about the crazy shit quality , I hate that I love the A3 sketchbook somuch , but I can't scan it properly:X On top of it all each of the photos is at a certain angle so the drawings get with super bad quality and out of proportion bleh , I gotta think of a way to actually scan this stuff :\

poses ( some from mind , some from bumskee's stuff ) and some faces along the way... :D ( I don't think I can stay really focused :\ )

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head stuff

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some hands

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monsters :D

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fast photo study , it was mostly about the colors

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quick b/w portrait from mind , again inspired by bumskee stuff...that guy's a genius :X

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okay , so unfortunately I'll have to start this page with this pathetically small update :\

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some quick and pretty random face thing :D It was just for fun

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and a WIP , I'm just having fun with this one for now , about 2 hours so far

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hello again!! :)

Ok , so it's been a while since my last post... so much shit happened :D For a week I was at my village where my grandfather and me where taking out honey from his bee hives and I got stung 3 times by random bees. One of them got my right hand and it swell like 3 times the size , it sucked so bad , I couldn't grab a bottle , let alone a stylus...so I was off duty for 3-4 days , 'till my hand was better. The sucky part was that after it was better it was still pretty tight and I didn't have the same flexibility as before...so yeahh , I needed to work that out too. So i finally got my rythm back and cousins from out of town came to visit , so basicly now I can do artsy stuff early in the morning and really late at night...the rest of the time I'm a babysitter :\ Damn. Anyway...here's a bit of the stuff over the last days :)

random sketches ( sorry about the lighting and the quality again , photocamera :| )

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First digi thing I did after my hand got unswollen :D horrible , isn't it? :D

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some other study
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aand some other unfinished study

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only two things from mind I'm afraid...pathetic , I know.. :(

some chick portrait , turned out pretty bad
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and an environment , which I kinda even liked :D

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I gotta get into gear :\

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pencil update!

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study of Castiel killing an angel in "Supernatural"...I love this show :D

so much nooooise :D
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random warriordudeninjatype :D

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quick sketch ( a little bit over 1.5 hrs) inspired by Fetsch's old sketches and this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAGvq0ZEfcU

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close up

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Nice work man, especially like the last few concepts.
i like the colors sort of bleeding in the background on the grim reaper.
maybe define some of the edges a bit more at the focal point.
Lumens - Thanks man! Definitely sound advice :)


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just digi for now , way too lazy to photograph and scan all the pencil things :D
quick photo study

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and a dragon sketch with senseless steps :D

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oh wow, your neew dragon painting is really good. keep it up

Compared to where you started, you're doing amazing work. Keep it up, like a sir.
Thanks , guys! :)

two 15 min studies

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done with the dragon thing

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sketchbook stuff

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Your dragon is coming along pretty nice

Nice sketchbook man, lots of hard work and studies here which its clear to see are paying off. Keep hammering that anatomy, your lines and marks are looking much nicer but your proportions could still use some work. Also keep pushing those values studies. Your doing awesome man, cheers for sharing your progress ;)

Hey Othra! Nice studies man (I love supernatural too, should I go an watch the 6th season? rather scared of it).

I love your sketches, keep it up! And if you have the chance, try to draw from life - they really help to build this sense of volume, I think you will like it :)

Jamesxwu - Thanks , man! :)

Warburton - Hey , thanks for stopping by man! You're right , too! proportions , proportions , proportions...blah I can never get them right. Gotta do more work I guess.

Ursula Dorada - Hey!Yeah , you should watch 6th season , and 7nth season after that :D ( they're not as good as the previous ones , but I like 'em :D And yes I MUST definitely draw from life.Infact I think that's what I'm going to do today! Thank you :)

SO , I'm back... So much happened!! ( weird for the summer,I know) , I just needed some rest I guess. I went on a week long hike in the mountains with my dad.Maan...exhausting , but AMAZING!!!mountains , rivers , vistas , huts , stones , trees , branches , grass ...and many more good stuff.just awesome.Every day 9-10 hours walking my legs were sore like crazy ( blisters , wounds , blood , you name it) , but the feeling of sitting down after that , drinking some much needed water , get a fire started and sketching for fun is just BWAH!! :D

unfortunately I don't have much to offer, like I said I was taking something of a rest.
Here's a wip I'm working on...so far from what it should be , yet I'm getting tired of it...we'll see...( oh yeah , I did some steps to see my progress up until now)

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a sketch of an old man while sitting in the hut with nothing better to do :D

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My dad and I stopped next to a small river to make camp.I did this 'till the sun went down.You can see the can boiling some water for the tea :D the sketch took me about two hours I think. adjusted some levels in photoshop too

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Nice sketches and studies Othrandir. On the illustration you got up there I like "scan0002 copy4" the one in the middle. It's not too dark and not too light, a good balance.
Ooooh I love that last sketch man, sweet!


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