Monkeybread's Dribblings
Welcome back! Good to see you workin again

As for the dropbox thing, I tried for a long time to get it to work properly, but it never worked out. I ended up switching over to tiny pic, which isnt great for uploading multiple pieces at once , but it lets you resize while you upload it and lets you embed really easily

Thanks Beardley and Cracked! It is good to be (slowly) getting back on the horse, though I seem to have traded the horse for an ass.

meeting sketch.

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'Notes' from my work meetings is about all the time I have for any art at the moment.
I have decided to quit my job of 4 and a half years atthe end of Jan2015. No idea what will come next, but it feels right.
Also I suck at forearms

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Hey Amit! Good for you! I mean I totally have no context or anything but quitting your job is huge and brave and if it feels right then you're moving forward in the right direction.

And your work "notes" are really cool. Your compositions are stellar as ever. Your forearms aren't that bad but they do kinda join at the elbows funny. Sure you'll get the hang of it eventually!

wow big step mate, all the best of luck to you with the job transfer!
completely agree with ^, its a bit step but I really think its gonna pay off. Following what makes you happy is always a step in the right direction, I think its gonna pay off big time :)

cool notes! ive kinda stopped updating my sb, im just focussing 100% on How to Draw so I'll probably update it when I've finished/got half way.

Train, gain, or stay the same.
I really love the movement in these sketches. Your work has great atmosphere. Keep it up.

Thanks guys...3 weeks till I'm un(self)employed :)

Did some sketches. So rusty

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Hey MB! I really like the subtle colors in your studies. Good to see you back in action! An ass is sturdier than a horse, and less maintenance cost! And they're fuzzy with fur. Watch out for that beast Procrastination! It'll be out hunting you like The Alien after you embark on self-employment!!!!

Thanks Meat! I definitely agree with you about the ass. They are much cuter too.

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hmmm I might have to start posting here again since I have time now to even do studies :P

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Do iiiiiitt!

and quick one from imagination

[Image: attachment.php?aid=65284]

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[Image: attachment.php?aid=65340]

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Love your stuff Amit!

There's a real sensitivity and atmosphere to many of your pieces, very impressed!
Thanks Karolina!
Client work wip. Not under NDA so I guess it's ok showing this
Any crits welcome.

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Loved your EOW: Last Outpost piece... you deserved the win for sure. Enjoyed looking through your SB - I appreciate the diversity of your work. Best of luck!

Your (and quick one from imagination). Drawing is really good with a good impact in the image. Maybe a style you should explore something more?

And good sketchbook, very insprirende to myself get started on my own.

Ps. Thank you for a good debate on my posting :)

That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stranger.
The 2 largest figure on the right of client work is too dark and melds too much into the background. Other than that, awesome work Amit!

Pindurski: Thanks! That one was the easiest painting I have ever painted. Was so much in the zone, guess it showed :)
Martin: Thanks dude. The black and white graphic stuff I love doing so maybe I will apply it to some personal project soon.
Meat: Yeeehaw. You're right.

Here's the final that was approved. The AD "freaking loved it" in her own words. And I thought she would be really pissed at me because I was a few days late. It turned out ok, there are still issues I can see, and I could have worked quite a bit more on the figures. One thing freelance is teaching me is that my discipline needs some serious overhauling pronto and that perfectionism is a retarded thing that needs to be defeated!
It's great being forced to do characters though. Next up 10 character portraits for the same client. Eeek.

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