Rainwater's Sketchbook
(08-18-2024, 10:29 AM)darktiste Wrote: Why not try exploring abstract shape and then turning those shape into subject matter. You will probably find out what kind of subject matter come to you more naturally.

Or maybe you could just do some fan art if you want something a bit less soul searching it depend how important it is for you to find out what you have to communicate.

I certainly feel like there the weight of ''academic work here'' thing feel a bit formal and leaking in creative term when it come to the expressive side of thing.The meme are nice but they feel more like study you could try to almost turn them into caricature where you try to push certain feature in the subject matter.

I think a great way to find interest in your work is to find out how to make thing interact with each other for example in certain of the piece i observe that there like one subject matter at the center inside a square in a few of the image here.

So in a sense i think your more interesting piece are naturally environment because you have composition that spice it up.

Those are good ideas, thanks!
I think I feel uncreative because of tons of stress and anxiety that I feel due to work and my current life situation. I've stopped doing many things that I enjoy because my guilt wants to make me believe that it's all a waste of time and that I should rather focus on things that will stabilize my life. I should "progress quicker instead of wasting time with doodling". So instead of having fun and playing around, I only do studies when I find the time. I'm working on this kind of toxic attitude, but this guilt always lingers in the back of my mind. Not a good condition for creative work.

Yes, I love environments Happy I'm currently learning Blender, to make my environment ideas more interesting. In the end, I want to become a generalist. I enjoy worldbuilding – I have several stories in mind that I would like to visualize.

(08-19-2024, 05:01 AM)JosephCow Wrote: Oh okay I gotcha. A tiled floor didn't really occur to me. Hope you keep posting!

Thanks! Yeah, I also tend to get lost in my own chaotic linedrawings Grin

(08-22-2024, 10:31 AM)one_two Wrote: You've got skills, man !

Thank you Happy
I think you doing plein air drawing would do you some good that if you can find the head space to make time for it. Just committing to disconnecting from this grind mindset that can burn you out. I am not saying it does not come without consequence there sacrifice for peace of mind and relaxation.

I also encourage you to get into that doodling habit to sit there and try to observe your thought and emotion to identify why you don't allow yourself to do some introspection perhaps. Also to identify your priority and your value.

But i think going out and spending time in nature would do you a lot of good just because you need to be in a relax state to be able to pick up what cause are the cause of the stress once you go back home you always can feel the weight creeping back in that in those time that you have a better contrast between your calm relax mind and your stress disorderly mind guilt trip mindset.

I wrote a piece a while back on positivity and how to have a better workflow when working

Feel free to read them or not but if you do probably also think of how to pratically apply the concept to your own circumstance but i think if anything be mindful of where thing spiral out of control but don't be a control freak about it sometime it also about letting go of the old.

So here the post you can feel free to read.

Positive thinking


How to increase optimal workflow(the theory)


One thing also for creative exploration would to do portrait mix with landscape find way to mix both subject matter

here some example of anthropomorphic landscape.

This is in a sense a exercise where i invitie you to mixing the idea that we are one with the environment and to bring awareness that we need to be conscious of were environment if we don't want to be the victim of were own internal turmoil.By incorporating a self portrait with some of the element of your surrounding you can perhaps feel the energy that can be the partial cause of the stress for example a messy room is a good indicator of internal turmoil some say.


Also one thing i personally believe is that the fastest way to kill the inner child is to stop playing so be playful be joyful and be grateful.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey there, very nice studies and variety of skills / approaches here. I feel like it may be time to do some "finished work" purely for yourself. Grinding studies isn't bad, but it can become a crutch of sorts.
I wouldn't try force coming up with a theme or idea or style, and also realise not every idea has to be unique or amazing  to be worthwhile. Putting too much pressure on yourself is a good way to keep burning out. You have enough skills, just come up with any old thing that moderately interests you and take it as far as you can.
And if you have ideas you want to do. Develop them now. Time waits for nobody, and you'll never be good enough, if you keep waiting to be good enough.


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