Hello everybody!
Hi, so when I registered here I wanted to go by "Jens", my name. However, someone (an usurper) had already registered with that. A quick check in the member list told me this guy hadn't been logged in since February, so i assumed it cool to register with an underscore at the end, kinda like in Ender's Game =) (I'm so incredibly clever)

About me: I'm 22 years old and live in Sweden. I spent two years studying engineering and economics, but a couple of months ago I realized that I really didn't want to work with that stuff. So I decided to take a pause in my studies and figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. And so I braced myself to call my mum, thought she would freak out, but she just said something like "I was more surprised when you decided to study economics, I always thought you would be an industrial designer". Thing was, I had never heard about industrial design, but I checked it out and found that she was right, industrial design is what I've always wanted to do. So I need draw and paint a lot more and more seriously than I have previously done, and since I have looked at Dave's youtube channel from time to time I knew about the crimson daggers, and decided to come here. Nice to meet you!

Oh, and I feel kind of lost with everything about this at the moment, so any advice or pointers about how to get the most out of being a part of this community or drawing, design or anything that may be relevant It'd be really cool if you could share it with me
Welcome! If you have some sketches or drawings that you like to share, or need help with, you can make your own sketchbook. [ just look it up in the list ] Looking forward to see some of your work.
Thanks, I took a look at the sketchbooks and it seems like something that I should try to do

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