Coinhero's sketchbook
the face perspective isn't too off, the lips are a little off symmetry and the eye is a little skewed but that's not the biggest isue.

I think you should try a grey scale painting for oils next time because it seems your values aren't clear, and maybe youre not calculating well with the value placement, hence why everything looks splotchy and rough, when most females (the ideal rather) have very smooth skin. so ya thats my reccomendation is to do values only and see how smooth you can get the skin texture and how intelligently you can place values and edges ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
[Image: uphwTbr.jpg]

did some more work on this ni no kuni 2 fan art thingy. Could have done much more but I felt really bad when I came back from uni and just didn't feel like working on this. I have a more clear direction I want to take this image now.
(03-27-2018, 11:19 PM)Fedodika Wrote: the face perspective isn't too off, the lips are a little off symmetry and the eye is a little skewed but that's not the biggest isue.

I think you should try a grey scale painting for oils next time because it seems your values aren't clear, and maybe youre not calculating well with the value placement, hence why everything looks splotchy and rough, when most females (the ideal rather) have very smooth skin. so ya thats my reccomendation is to do values only and see how smooth you can get the skin texture and how intelligently you can place values and edges ;)

I have one more session with this model and I'll try to do a quick black and white guache study next time (not sure if I'll be able to tho). I think the face doesn't look smooth because my brushwork is very bad, I don't know how to use medium properly so all my strokes are very dry, another thing is I bought the wrong canvas size (too small) and its very hard to paint the face in general . Since the model is dressed in all dark blue tones and the studio lighting doesn't allow for much bounce light she ended up with these super dark shadows on her face and I'm not good enough to account for that T.T just wanted to get some interesting colors going and her face wasn't that much of a focus. Portraits in general aren't very interesting for me

I'll see what I can do next monday, maybe a little fan brush to smooth the blobs of color on her face
if anything, map out the tones meticulously before you even make the first stroke, and try to make them as opaque as you can. Do very little blending, its best to get the mechanical idea of how this tone should look instead of hoping the blending and color will save it, but ya give it your best shot!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
[Image: czMWchO.jpg]

REMEMBER TO DRINK A LOT OF WATER AND EAT PROPERLY! Don't end up like me waking up with super low blood pressure and having a headache aaaaaall day
[Image: i7lLwk1.jpg]

I didn't pay enough attention during the sketch phase, rushed to start painting and now I don't like things in the composition that would take too much energy to fix and I really don't want to make huge changes to this painting, its too hard I'll go insane. I'm calling it finished for now, I'll have another look tomorrow so I can see this with fresh eyes and a clear mind.
[Image: bmNbSoi.jpg]

[Image: k8R9Zvv.jpg]


I wanna rub my body all over that thicc tongue
[Image: XeLSIIi.jpg]

going out to eat sushi
[Image: OWnUaQS.jpg]

got in class painted for like 30 mins and went home. I'm done with this painting just wanted to do some small things, next week I don't have any classes on monday and I'll skip the week after that because we are still going to be painting this model in this pose and I'm sick of noodling around this painting making little changes here and there. It sucks we can't do like 2 3 hours sessions per pose / model but everyone else in my class is so god damn slow, literally spending 4 hours on a pencil sketch, we are forced to paint the same shit for months it's so boring.

[Image: LpDk52Y.jpg]

tiny bit of work on this too. I got 4 hours of sleep and didn't eat anything all day because I'm stupid and just can't build up the energy to do anything other than watch D1 grand prix
[Image: tumblr_p6m9h199lL1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
big dumb fish

[Image: pam6RJJ.jpg]

I wanted to paint this guy 
[Image: t9U6JUt.jpg]

changed it a bunch. I love painting like this the most it feels more natural to me, just make a big mess and try to make sense of everything, there's something very satisfying in that but this stuff doesn't rly get me as many likes as avatar fan art does so... you know, gotta get'em likes and shit.
[Image: tumblr_p6o4er3ygZ1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
finished this sketch

[Image: Fjd4sYx.jpg]

started another ni no kuni thing because I've spent most of my free time in this game and I just want to paint it more and more. I woke up with a horrible neck... I don't know what its called in english but I just couldn't turn my head without feeling a super sharp pain. Today felt like playing a game on hard mode even the most simple tasks are a pain in the ass (neck) to do -,- its all because the chair I sit when on the computer is super broken and my posture is terrible. I'm looking in to buying a new desk chair, current one is trying to kill me, if anyone has any recommendations its more than welcome
for your joint pain, try working out and running, basic strength training and cardio can be miraculous to neck, back pain. Whenever i have a neck crick, i just start running and my spine magically adjusts and i literally feel the stiffness disappear, same with weightlifting. Good chairs can help a lot too, but like i said exercise is gonna help 70% of it. You can have the comfiest chair in the world and youre still gonna hurt after being still too long.

For your (cyclist) piece up there, I think it's really lacking in depth; all the elements are flat and or in profile, and i think this sketch fixes that problem but im interested to see how well you end up painting it, because if you can render it as well as the cyclist you'll be in good shape ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(04-06-2018, 12:24 AM)Fedodika Wrote: for your joint pain, try working out and running, basic strength training and cardio can be miraculous to neck, back pain. Whenever i have a neck crick, i just start running and my spine magically adjusts and i literally feel the stiffness disappear, same with weightlifting. Good chairs can help a lot too, but like i said exercise is gonna help 70% of it. You can have the comfiest chair in the world and youre still gonna hurt after being still too long.

For your (cyclist) piece up there, I think it's really lacking in depth; all the elements are flat and or in profile, and i think this sketch fixes that problem but im interested to see how well you end up painting it, because if you can render it as well as the cyclist you'll be in good shape ;)
Yea I'll come up with a schedule for working out today (probably like a google calendar thing) because I don't have physical education in university anymore and I'm the 1.95m tall skeleton type of guy so the moment I stop working out my body just starts to fall apart x.x

The cyclist piece was just me tying out stuff and painting without thinking all that much, kind of like stress relief, I wanted to try and paint in a different way than I normally do but still get to a simular result, you know that type of thing. This new painting I'm working on is scary tho
[Image: yAuY19c.jpg]

[Image: Mxd5Kyw.jpg]
lines and early color sketch

I'm feeling super uncomfortable with this painting, its just different to what I normally do. It's so strange I feel scared to work on this so I'll try to take my time and slowly figure stuff out one by one. I spend a lot of time on the line sketch just trying not make this look super weird and cringy, gave up on the ni no kuni idea I want this to be an original piece. The statue I kept re doing but I'm happy with how it is now (just gotta fix the eyes and little things), folds and stuff are still kind of nonsense but who can figure out how clothes on a statue work anyway, you have to be a god damn genius to make it look good. Anyway doing stuff, trying to not be super lazy all the time, going out with friends so I don't forget how to talk with people the usual.
[Image: tcuIZLz.jpg]

I'll be out of town for a few days, going to my grandparents for the holidays, and won't be able to upload anything -,- I'll still draw stuff just in my "sketchbook" and its probably going to be copies from my Nausicaa book. There's a slight chance I won't go tho and a huge chance that I'll kill myself out of boredom if I do go.
[Image: yvEMIp1.jpg]

I had more time than I taught I would today, the streak continues
[Image: dvcWVKg.jpg]
this is cute

[Image: 3NZFTFp.jpg]

I want to add part of the ceiling on the floor because it would make sense but can't make it work too exhausted, don't want to finish this today, driving traveling etc etc (sleep)
[Image: tumblr_p6x73bpsCv1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: SOg8XFF.jpg]

I've been watching drift events the last 2 days and wanted to do some car painting. This and the statue pieces are pretty much the same thing, don't know if I'll finish this one I like it because its super fun to paint in this "style" or technique whatever the correct term is, but I don't feel confident I can make it work.
edit: looks good from far away I think tomorrow I'll change up the background to try and make the image more readable
[Image: 2Q2ZQLG.jpg]

somehow everyone in my class knew that we don't have lectures all week except for me...hmmmm
[Image: tumblr_p71128SqSj1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
yea boooiiiiiii
[Image: vNEOrfd.jpg]

I think the way the car is being cropped is a little awkward, maybe I should add more space to the right? not sure but I'll figure something out
making geometric shapes with my tiny wacom intuos small is agony

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