Lizardman's art journey to glory!
Everything is going alright I guess, havent done much in my sketchbook, been busy with studies and work. The box exercise is not only limited to cubes, rectangular ones are welcome as well. You can read about it here

He recommends also to use colored pens to see where your vanishing points lead up to see where you screwed up. I just need to do better ghosting and planning when putting my lines on the paper, that's why they are off.

From what I've been told, when starting with anatomy to stay away from Hampton and Bridgeman because they focus on more abstract shapes of the figure instead of focusing on muscles and more detail. So that's why I've been reading Huston and looking at Bryan Lee's videos. I find Loomis easier, but Lee has some nice details on flowing lines that go through the shape of the face. Reminds me a bit of Reily's method.

So yeah, will do more observational studies, proportion stuff and head studies as well as doing boxes and Huston. So I've put a lot on my plate, hope it doesn't burn me out.
Portraits and more boxes and one of Huston's shape exercises, going to do more of them, been a slow week.

Also made this little thing for /ic/ but hell, all you have a great holidays! Don't let the crabs and burnout get ya.

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Might as well update this before the holidays, going to move onto lesson 2 of Drawabox and work on more portraits as well as read through the torso section of Huston.

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More portraits and studies, not much else I can say. New Years resolution is to push myself harder this year and create more completed pieces.

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for your heads, try to break down the lighting, try to pick a 1 and 2 value scheme to help you look more closely at the shapes.

Take thiss pic, What is in dark, what is in light? How little tone and line can you use to show the form of this head

I think if you think about those big value shapes for a while, it'll help your lines since, i imagine if we added the values of the photos youre copying, they wouldnt map correctly over those lines. Also try to find references that have a very clear and bold light pattern so you can more easily discern what youre getting right by squinting, and evaluating the overall tones and shapes

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Oh wow, I'm back I think. Sorry for the monthly long absence? I've been using Discord to post some of my work on there. but I think I could still post some of my work here. Still working on faces and studies, will post more in the near future hopefully. Hoping ya'll are staying safe.

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Welcome back. Were you posting in the Crimson Daggers discord? It's always dead as a doornail when I check it.

Those feet and hand studies look real nice.
Thanks, yeah I was posting in it, it seems dead, but only a bit more than this place tbh. Anyway, some more studies and some form of character and monster designs!

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More studies and working on a comic for myself, probably going back to Drawbox to do more of the lessons there and draw some boxes.

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Nice updates. I'm particularly impressed with how much better the faces look in your studies compared to the reference photos, some great construction there. Keep it going!

Thanks, small update, finished sketching that comic, working on some characters for an idea with friends, some Drawabox stuff and a skull stydy.

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Your skull is more foward facing than your reference you can see this by locating the middle line that cross the skull.Was it intentional?But i am more interest by what were the intention.I think perhaps you lost some of the accuracy and patience and gone to fast into value.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Alright, more studies and some character stuff, going to study perspective tomorrow even if it kills me. BEEN PUTTING IT OFF FOR TOO LONG

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Another short update, studying Dobsky's perspective videos while playing around a bit. Also trying out crosshatching and some character stuff

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for your heads and skulls you make a pretty consistent mistake of undershooting the cranial mass (back of the skull)

In the painted one and profile view, its too short theres just more mass in the back of the skull

on head #3 you get it the closest, but she'd have a tad more cranial mass behind.

Remember the spine goes into the hole of the skull and theres a whole complex network of tendons and joints that put all that together which is worth studying, it'd add a lot of believability to your stuff even if it just ends up moving some of your heads over a couple inches.

I'd also suggest trying to ink a few things, get a good brush with an ideal sensitivity and try to simplify your shapes, omit lines and use a heavy dark color to make things pop and show depth. Charles Dana Gibson is a personal favorite ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
So, big update sorta, mostly studies... Actually all studies but it's good to get them done.

@Fedodika: Yeah, I've been still trying to figure out head shapes and sizes, it's kind of difficult when it varies from person to person. I've been using Bryan Lee's methods for a while now.

The Gibsons study turned out a bit sloppy, might do another one later, also not really a fan of the proportions and some design elements of my squirrel character, plan on redoing part of it for next time.

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The pain of drawing a women from this angle.Curve can prove to be tricky to see properly my advise is try to flip the canvas from time to time to fight how you see thing or take a pause and come back sometime it necessary before moving a piece further.I think it generally good to avoid drawing a long study in one sitting.You can try to study other thing in the mean time but i would argue the brain as to be switch to a passive task so that it can really be refresh completely.But some it not necessarly that you leak the eye the see thing as they are but it a question of how you handle you tool some artist are of the school of rotating the canva will other focus mostly on which joint your drawing for to help the range on position your able to obtain.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Lame but kind of big update. Just found Proko's anatomy course and started it. So mostly anatomy stuff, need to work on my perspective and ellipses. Also did some style studies of Steven Gordon and Phil Bourassa, trying to get a feel on how to stylize certain aspects. Might do a Leyendecker study next week.

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Small update, more Proko stuff and some studies of various artists like Gibson, Leyendecker and Frank Cho. Going to be doing more in the coming days/weeks/months. So far, shoulder bones are a pain like the placement of scapula and clavicle and how they connect., so right now struggling to get those right, same with pelvis although not as much.

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(08-26-2020, 12:30 PM)Demon Lizardman Wrote: Small update, more Proko stuff and some studies of various artists like Gibson, Leyendecker and Frank Cho. Going to be doing more in the coming days/weeks/months. So far, shoulder bones are a pain like the placement of scapula and clavicle and how they connect., so right now struggling to get those right, same with pelvis although not as much.
Cool sketchbook! It's like all of those great sketchbooks that used to be on back in the day.
Great work!

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