Trying to emulate a style
Hello I like these anime styles with painterly colorings.
 Any tips on what I can I improve upon to emulate these styles, I like the coloring of the painterly style but right now I want to focus first on the line drawings, which is sketchy and feels traditional but still clean and readable and presentable.Hungry clicker

here are my works please see the latest 6.

I know the fundamentals are usually what they advice, but can you break down which parts can you suggest I work on, like my biggest weakness. 

thanks in advance for the one giving advice. I plan to reach the level of sellale prints on small convention, I just feel I'm still far from that.
I am not sure what you mean by sketchy it hard to define what your after you should pick some picture and be more specific.Like let say find your 3 favorite and try to find what they have in common or atleast describe the quality of what you are after.

Clean and readable that just vague alot of style could fall under that definition.It boil down to the choose you make not what other are doing.But obviously you learn what you like by contrasting what people are doing against one and other.

I dont want to discourage you.But from my perspective Your priority are at the wrong place right now i know it hard to listen to be it just how it is.

You dont need to know everything about the fundamental to emulate style but if you dont understand how to achieve it then it mean you are just not there yet.You can ask advise but if you dont understand the advise what the use of it... when we begin drawing we are open to a alot of advice because we need to recognize good advise from bad advise.But we are also learning to be critical of were own work and to agree when it correct and to disagree when it not and sometime we are wrong.

Your biggest weakness right now is impatience and inexperience.Dont compare yourself with pro to much even if you have goal or else it make you loose focus of the road in front of you.

You dont need me to tell you the obvious but maybe you do... when you have dealt with the fundamental in a more serious manner you should be trying to copy them... but what does it mean to copy what does it teach you that i cant answers it for you it depend on the intention.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-20-2024, 01:46 PM)darktiste Wrote: I am not sure what you mean by sketchy it hard to define what your after you should pick some picture and be more specific.Like let say find your 3 favorite and try to find what they have in common or atleast describe the quality of what you are after.

Clean and readable that just vague alot of style could fall under that definition.It boil down to the choose you make not what other are doing.But obviously you learn what you like by contrasting what people are doing against one and other.

I dont want to discourage you.Your priority are at the wrong place right now i know it hard to listen to be it just how it is.

You dont need to know everything about the fundamental to emulate style but if you dont understand how to achieve it then it mean you are just not there yet.You can ask advise but if you dont understand the advise what the use of it... when we begin drawing we are open to a alot of advice because we need to recognize good advise from bad advise.

Your biggest weakness right now is impatience and inexperience.Dont compare yourself with pro to much even if you have goal or else it make you loose focus of the road in front of you.

You dont need me to tell you the obvious but maybe you do... you should be trying to copy them... but what does it mean to copy what does it teach you that i cant answers it for you it depend on the intention.

Hello I posted the reference on link?
Yes you did but there is so many artwork on the instagram that it not necessarly easy to understand what you are after this is why if you have a better selection of what you are trying to emulate it easier to give more specific advise otherwise it only going to be about improving your fundamental and copying which mean nothing when it not defined let say correctly as i said it to vague even if you refer to a body of work clean or readable is not something that require to be copied... it a quality of the work it not something you have to overthink... it just taking decision that make the work to be clean and readable.

For example you cant be clean because you dont know how to clean up your work for example because you dont know how to use layers or mask or you simply work sloppy.

Readable that the quality of making good decision but that not something that can be easy to teach because for that you need clear intention otherwise you make it hard for someone to visual read where you want them to look.

It advance concept you should not be really proccupied with at the moment in my opinion.

Realism is the first step good design/style is far secondary 

Preoccupy yourself with your own artistic vision you will get influence anyways as you progress you dont have to run after anyone in particular.It just make your work stand out even more because you dont try to be a cheap copy.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Here's one from Clicker I really like

[Image: hungry-clicker-artist-Lightning-7751427.jpg]

Sorry having some trouble with mobile.

Please tell me if the link doesnt work.

I like how it kinda looks traditional. It has some "roughness" to it but very subtle. I personally dont like digital art that looks too clean that it looks ai made.

I also like the character and how it' drawn. She's not overly cute. I don't like the "moe" style.

Im not expecting to be 100% like hungry clicker, but im fond of similar artwork, will post more
[Image: 7f1f7601348b3044546a31aa7551629859543ad4.jpg]

Here's on from poch4n. the face is too cute for me but I really like the coloring and the details on the folds, a bit more tighter than Clicker.

here's another one I like from

sephinee draws

[Image: 441487260_971400474985712_53119911217749...e=6650D277]

seems image sharing is broken for me right now, i apologize if i can only share links.

This one is in the same vain with clicker and poch, has traditional looking feels.

this one i'm trying to avoid,
digital art

I know it's very hard to reach this level, but the super cleanlines doesn't appeal to me, i know most people will say it's better than clicker, but I think clicker has more peronality than this, but of course this is a subjective take.

now this one I made is an attempt to go for the same vibes as the first few ones

[Image: manon_colored_by_geffron_dhe4i4i-fullvie...Vc5gfeEpOA]
The link work it was never a problem it trying to take your perspective that the issue.

I will try to give you a critic when i find time but i am busy right now.

One quick thing you can improve is filling your color there spot you miss aswell as cleaning up overshot line that cross other line.I dont see any of the example doing such thing.But i have seen style that use this in the outline if my memory is correct and you talk about sketchyness so maybe it something you are going for.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-21-2024, 04:59 AM)darktiste Wrote: The link work it was never a problem it trying to take your perspective that the issue.

I will try to give you a critic when i find time but i am busy right now.

One quick thing you can improve is filling your color there spot you miss aswell as cleaning up overshot line that cross other line.I dont see any of the example doing such thing.But i have seen style that use this in the outline if my memory is correct and you talk about sketchyness so maybe it something you are going for.

thanks i'll wait for the reply, I'll double check the spots and overshot lines next time.
Ask yourself what is it in that specific fundamental that you want to improve you say you like the color.But how does it help someone help you... they dont know your taste your not telling them what you like about those color choose.Your not thinking about it really it your responsability to be aware of your taste or else you get into the constent art block because you dont make solid effort to describe the direction your going to follow in your study.

Fundamental are compose of many principle but you cant seem to dissect the micro detail of that fundamental like let say you want to improve linework yes that a fundamental you want to improve but that the title of the fundamental you should be able to describe what your doing wrong and what you want to improve if you aware of something being weak how can you be aware yet fail to be able to describe that weaknest... that a problem of art vocabulary not having a solid graps on the way to formulate question it ok to be good at asking question but you also need an ability to describe what you see otherwise you rely on the question when you already have the anwers but it just vapor to you because you dont understand the concept that are related to your solution.

Just demanding any advise will being vague is only by chance going to address your goal.Because what your doing is in essense asking for the wrong answers by being vague will not looking for quality in the critic you are fishing for.But if you can describe and use art vocabulary you almost get the answers the moment you ask the question.

Leaking the vocabulary that help you describe what direction your trying to articulate. Even if i ask you to share what i believe to be your taste i can be a mile away from what you have in mind for example you say her face is to cute... how could someone know that... it why just being able to articulate your taste and the aspect of what you like help you get closer to your goal.So eveytime you will ask for a critic try your best to formulate specific demand.But also trust that if you have a strong vocabulary you can mprove those fundamental without being to reliant on critic.Because when you have the vocabulary you can make quick internet research and find the answers pretty quickly but it not necessarly easy to know right from wrong even when you see it.

Here something that would be better i like the color because x y z... just asking the question give you hint to where to go.This is why formulating question is almost more powerful then a critic by itself. Because it generate a direction to your problem solving process.

Spelling what we like is magic it create the frame for how thing will shape up.Atleast if you are specific you have a sharper direction.

I would personally not describe what you shown to be traditional that why vocabulary is important also because it can be confusing.You would not say abstract art is realism.What you share is digital art it certainly not drawn in a traditional way maybe it a fusion process like scanning a drawing and they clean it digitally but when it not a photo of a drawing it pretty safe to say it probably digital art.You can tell what is traditional and what is digital by the quality of a color by it saturation anyways i know you need to evolve your voculary so i want to try to be brief and avoid making to many different angle to what i am saying.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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