hey man, i would say you should probably spend more time on the pieces you do. maybe take a cool movie-still and really try to nail it, and don't care about how long it takes. for that try to build it up slowly, dont rush to the detail-phase. you can easily work on it for 3 days.
and have a look at this:
and don't forget, what works for brent might not yet work for you. he has done so many of his paintings and has found a good way for him. that doesnt make it necessarily a good way for you too. i am not dissing anybody, i am a big fan of his work, as i told him myself. but try to find out what works for you and what doesn't.
you should definitely work on your lines, for that just start every day doing only lines, curves and crosshatching for 15 - 20 minutes to loosen up. also dont allways focus too much on doing everything super-correctly, because this tends to make things harder especially for beginners. at the beginning, just do a lot. just try to have a balance between realistic studies and loose stuff. like for instance, do a realistic study over the course of some days. that will teach you to push things to a more finished level. then do a lot of loose sketches to generate ideas for your next study etc.
i see a lot of improvement but also a lot of work that needs to be done, especially in your drawing-departement.
i hope this doesn't sound harsh, i am just trying to push you :)
also this is my opinion, if it doesn't work for you, that is alright. but do a lot