Portfolio Class- Character Development!
(01-09-2013, 11:50 AM)mateusrocha Wrote: Jake! Maybe you can use some of the mongolian armor! I think they are very different from the other cultures..

Like this

or this

Oh, cheers for those man, they look sweet. I'm on it!

This is as far as I've come:

[Image: morgb.png]
Here is my progress so far, I decided to go for a more fitted and sleeker look to his armour, focusing on his silhouette. I'm really trying to push the regal aspect of him, a lot more than arthur, I'm thinking of redoing arthur completely, actually. His head will have a small dragon statue, and his chest plate will have a dragon embossed out of it, showing his heritage. I'm going to try and go for a bloody texture over some of his armour, which may prove difficult, given all the details I'm already using. I'm struggling with linking him Morgan and Arthur, any suggestions would be great.

Thats a head in a bag, attached to his waist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubi_bukuro

[Image: dd-1.jpg?t=1357751274]
thomas- design elements from arthur/morgane that could be carried over- morganes hair, the coat design on arthur, the flowing sort of scarves from morgane, the custom metal work from morgane, a twist on the sun theme from arthur. im sure theres more, just some food for thought.
Changed the design: and I would call it finished until the critic :)

[Image: mors.png]
Getting there... I think he looks angrier, if nothing else.

[Image: file-1279.jpg]

And some studies :)
[Image: file-2158.jpg]

Hey Guys,

First-off, thanks Dan for the crits on Morgane, i worked in all of you're feedback.
I must agree, it looks much better now. As for the story, i gave the other fox also a tale to distract his brother/sister so that he or she looks up to the tale and caught off guard ;)

Old VS New
[Image: Morgane.jpg]


Hey Guys,

Also re-watched the Merlin stream and worked in the crits.
The only thing i didn't do was to get rid of the complete nose, i made it a few inches smaller *sorry Dan ;)
Otherwise if i killed the nose the red skin would't make any sense to me :) now it still is a Tengu.
Hope you guys like it

[Image: Merlin.jpg]
[/php]Nice updates everyone! So for some reason my comp says the site is down so i have to post from my phone
I hope it works, heres my mordred w dans crits, i cant think of anything else
To fix, as always im open to suggestion

Attached Files Image(s)

Hey everyone .

PTimm , Really nice one mate , love it .

Dan thanks a ton for the Morgan Crits , still haven't finished though
cause i have some catching up to do. got to make Merlin and Arthur .

So here's my mordred

This is how far i am with Merlin

And this is Arthur so far

any ideas are welcome :)
Think I found some solutions to my problems with Mordred, but not completely happy with it. Hoping Dan will help. I like the hair. No excuses to why I'm so behind.

[Image: dd-3.jpg?t=1358072462]

Maybe calling Morgane done, not sure
[Image: ss.jpg?t=1358072591]
This is the last attempt at making the thing on the shoulder look like a basket. Hopefully i finally did it? If i still failed, ill probably just make it a flat wooden disk thing like Dan suggested.

[Image: MorganaFinish309012013.jpg]

Dan's crit was super helpful. The old one looks super broken now in comparision :D. Hopefully i don't find out that back arm still looks broken. Maybe i'm just not there with my anatomy yet :(, gotta train that up more.

Here's where i'm up to with Mordred.

[Image: MordredSketch2.jpg]
[Image: Mordredcolorthumbs.jpg]
[Image: Mordredcolorsketchwip.jpg]

Hi everyone!

been really busy this week and only started working on it today. I really feel bad that I couldn't spend much time on it. Sorry about that

[Image: 33026093.jpg]

@ImSkeptical Great job on mordred so far, I really like the palette and lighting, some nice colours. Although you should remember dans critique about characters being a long rectangle, I think it suffers from that abit, the pose is very just stagnant, would someone really be holding a staff like that in that pose? Also, the head he's holding is EXTREMELY small compared to his own, so unless he's a giant.. haha - Sorry for the some what harsh critique, I just think some things are holding it back from being your best!
Nice work everybody.

Really tried to focus on design on this one, so I've spent way longer with the line stuff, and actually produced a clean line drawing for the first time in a while. Colours next..

Mongol Mordred. The Swirls are gonna be stylised wind type things. In the research, I found that apparently the Mongols were terrified of lighting (Storms?) so I was going to use that as a design motif for Mordred. I also plan on going back and revisiting Morgan with the same idea.

[Image: file-405.jpg]

So, here are some color ideas for Mordred.
I wanted to speed up my process for this time, and I told Dan about that, but I could not do more than I wanted to, I got a three day job this week and didn't have as much time as I wanted to work on this.
So, this time I want to use a darker color scheme. It's something I want to learn, and I will try to do it this time. So, what do you think? maybe I need to try more colors and ideas, but I wanted to post my progress for today. I think I like number 1 and 3, but I think 1 looks a lot like Morgane... so maybe 3
Also, what do you think about the sword? does it work? Im trying to link him to Morgane with that, maybe they are something like fire sorecerers, bandits, or so. I'm also thinking of making an extra character... an Ifrit, the evil genie that might be on their side, and strenghten the idea of their link with fire.


[Image: mordred-color-ideas_zps2073d6b8.jpg]

También se habla español!
malan, looks great, i think the fire sword is an excellent idea, and same goes with the fire genie dude, imo the red color scheme works best, nice work
Ptimm, thanks buddy! :D yeah, I think you are right. I guess I will play around a bit more with that idea and make it a bit different from Morgane's colors. :)

También se habla español!
for anyone who missed it-

Hey :)

Malan, I think number 1 is the best too, specially since you are going with a fire theme!

I'm kind of late, but, I think this is it for my Morgane:

[Image: 14_01_13_indian_morgane_by_mateusrocha-d5rj3lw.jpg]

Didn't liked the staff so much, but I need to move on, at least for now I think.

Going to Mordred now :)


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