Portfolio Class- Character Development!
awesome updates peeps!

so i had an insane amount of trouble on redoing my arthur, i think i came up with something I'm happy with for now. Also went back and threw a background in for Merlin and fixed a problem with morgan's face that a friend pointed out to me. I played around with a texture to kind of unify the 3 of them...not to sure if it is a success or not, as always im open to suggestions.

also did a few thumbs of my mordred concept

[Image: arthur3_zps41d069f0.jpg]

[Image: merlinbkg_zps7d1b5a87.jpg]

[Image: morgane4_zpsa2c89c64.jpg]

[Image: Mordredthumbs_zps92181e30.jpg]

[Image: mordreds_zps4b29d8cd.jpg]
Wow everyone working so hard through these holidays :D. Looking so good, everyone is making me push myself as hard i can!

Here's mine so far.

[Image: ArthurFinish2-30122012.jpg]

[Image: Merlin230122012.jpg]

[Image: MorganaFinish230122012.jpg]

[Image: MorganeThumbs.jpg]
[Image: MorganeSketch1.jpg]

Dan's 'tip' to look at six more vodka really helped out for Morgana xD. I wish i had seen them from the start.


even if you cant make it (i understand), ill be streaming tomorrow, long format, on everything on the forum since the last stream. i see some of you have been busy touching up the old pieces, and thats awesome of you. great initiative! post those morganes, which should be done, and ill give feedback on it as well as whatever else i see. i will also be introducing the final character.


Hello all, so after all I had little to no time to work on this Morgane piece. :( I at least managed to get a rough idea of where I want to go at the moment with this piece. Any comments, critiques, negative feedback is appreciated. I'm realllllly trying to slow down and do a good job with every part so it is also taking me a while to reel this project in. WILLING TO START OVER AGAIN IF NECESSARY. I think, perhaps, this time around it is going better because I've really slowed down and applied studies and used references to understand better what the heck is going on. Anyways, Here's really the base that I'll be working from since I think it is a good start in seeing what I should keep and perhaps build on.

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I redid Merlin, because the old version really sucked :( I'm also working on redoing Arthur at the moment.

[Image: mer1j.png]
Have a great year friends :)

También se habla español!
another sketch and a repost
[Image: sketchy-1.jpg?t=1357078562]
and another sketch, none reffed
[Image: sketch22.jpg?t=1357094997]
First off, best wishes to all. Happy 2013.

Reworked some light and dark tones, finished the magic orbs and some smaller tweaks.
[Image: 29.jpg]
hahaha, i got the flu. lets meet half way. ill put together a huge comprehensive description for modred, and you guys can start from the written prompt. (itll be more like a job that way anyways.) really good on all of you whove been working hard despite me not being here to hold your feet to the coals. great initiative on all y'all. when my voice works ill stream my morgane reviews and answer mordred questions. check back later today for his description.

ok, so heres the last character. hes your final exam, and will pull from the other 3 youve done so far. Mordred is Arthur's son born from incest with Morgane. He is a villain, and a clearly evil character. In some versions, mordred is a young man or boy, in others his growth is enhanced through magic and he is a man grown when he faces arthur. Whichever of these options you choose I leave up to you. whats important is that he has the following.

-A pose or stance that shows his power, ability to impose fear, or scheming nature (not just standing there)
-Thematic ties to Arthur in his design, but clearly warped or twisted into something darker
-a connection to his mother, Morgane, and her powers as a magician and conjurer (in most versions, she aids him via supernatural powers.

for anyone unfamiliar with the story, Mordred and Arthur kill one another in Arthurs final battle, effectively erasing both sides of the war and leaving britain in the same sort of leaderless stalemate it was in before the rise of camelot. this is because the two are supposed to be seen as metaphoric equals that cancel one another out- so keep that in mind when sketching.

Good luck! and remember! lots of sketches and drawings before landing on one final look!
Great work from the holidays guys. Looking awesome.

Rough sketches to get started with Mordred. Gonna try and stay loose this time and get to a design I'm happy with. More studies first though...

[Image: file-536.jpg]

woot woot, messing around with some lighting and i think a color scheme im beginning to like

[Image: Mordredy_zpsdc2acf86.jpg]

[Image: ivan_zps14de2a56.jpg]
also an ivan the terrible study to help give me a better idea for mordred's face and possible lighting issues
Great work PTimm!
Really like what you have been doing with all your characters :D

También se habla español!
(01-03-2013, 04:39 PM)malan Wrote: Great work PTimm!
Really like what you have been doing with all your characters :D

thanks Malan! I gotta say that Morgan you did was ridiculously awesome, the lighting and amount of detail in all the beads and things on her rock! Definitely my fave out of all your characters so far :)
Update on character wips...this is only pose 1 for Mordred and variation for costume design number 1 for Morgane....will be doing more. and will be perhaps referencing the future ones. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate and a Happy New Year. :) Again, critiques are welcomed. Cheers.

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PTimm - Looking good man. The study looks great.

Jmob - Nice face on Morgan, keep it coming :)

Bit more work on Mordred.
Just gonna keep going with the design. Gotta force myself to step back and start again more often.

[Image: file-1336.jpg]

[Image: file-1491.jpg]

JakeB-thanks mate!

[Image: Mordred_zpseaddd4dd.jpg]

wondering what i could make the light source for mordred being that he is lit from the bottom i was thinking fire? not sure if its too cheese ball or not, as always im open to suggestions
just an update on my poses for mordred. more poses with the masses turned different ways are in order. will be working more on morgane and mordred tomorrow.

hey thanks JakeB, that means a lot. :) I like the progress you are making. Maybe you can change the proportions of the Mordred because he's looking pretty stalky. I was watching UFC the other day (not of my choice...more of waiting for it to be turned off) and saw this asian guy who was fighting and he was quite bulky yet had a dynamic physique. I'll try finding you a reference of the guy who was fighting. keep at it yo... gogogoo!

(01-04-2013, 06:13 PM)Jmob Wrote: I'll try finding you a reference of the guy who was fighting.

Meh, can't find the guy who was fighting... sorry man. I'm sure you'll be able to find some reference with a guy who is mongolian/asian with a more athletic body type. cheers!

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hey jmob, your Mordred has a broken hip! 2 seems right, compared to the rest ;) try standing like this, you'll see it's never going to work.
Oh and although Morgan's face is beautiful, she looks like Anne Hathaway :D which isn't very egyptian ;)

Say hello to boy Mordred:
[Image: mordredideas.png]

Why am I doing this to myself?

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