Dungeon Core - 4 Player Co-op Multiplayer!
[Image: Title_Small.png]

Quick Demo

Hey all, I thought I'd finally get something up for my Summer Pitch!

It's basically going to be a PC-Board Game, players of HeroQuest will be familiar with what I want to achieve!

I want the game to be very customisable to the user, so before I even get into the gameplay side of things, I'm currently working on a Dungeon Editor for players to make their own Dungeons to play in. The Dungeon Editor will allow players to craft their own set of dungeon, populate it with monsters, hidden treasure, traps and all that good stuff!

I also plan to make a Monster Editor for player to make their own monsters, customising stats, loot and even the option to load in their own graphics, or use the pre-made ones.

.gif of the Dungeon Editor:
(Made link as it was making the page load slow)

I'll keep you guys update with how I progress! There's not much in the art side of things, just a lot of technical stuff for now!

Awesome, are you doing the programming for this? What language?

(07-05-2013, 08:17 AM)pandamonic Wrote: Awesome, are you doing the programming for this? What language?
Thanks, yeah I'm doing everything for it atm :) I might have to look at outsourcing some sounds once it gets to that stage though. As for language, I'm using the software Game Maker Studio to develop it in!

I've been working on the design document a bit, once I have it more fleshed out I'll add a public link! Tomorrow I'll be doing the Region and Exits Tools, and potentially I'll start on the Monsters tool if I get those done quickly!

Cool! this looks promising!

Thanks Rognoll.

Okay so I've been working on a tile set for the dungeon. I've been experimenting with different views. I think I like the 3/4 the most.

Here's a screenshot:
[Image: Tileset.png]

Open to crits on my pixel art/coloring and also ideas! :)

heroquest you say? i would totally pay for something like this.
Also i agree with the 3/4 view

Thanks EduardoGaray!

I've been playing around with the tile set and some simple animations:

[Image: Animations.gif]

Yay animation! good work getting it working.

Now what I'd really recommend is focusing on making it really satisfying, like that chest is opening really linearly, but i reckon you could make it feel really great, giving it a few frames of shaking anticipation, then slam it open, and may be make light shine out of it.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Those animations certainly are simple. Awesome summer pitch, I will be watching.
Thanks guys, Muzz you're right. I don't want to just go with a standard linear animation I want it to look snappy and good!

So I've tweaked the chest open a little more:

[Image: Chest_Open.gif]

Also here's the walk cycle:
[Image: Knight_Walk.gif]

the chest animation looks much better now, i have never done animation so i dont know how difficult could it be, but if you could look at old classic rpg games and take all the magic tiny details...
Chrono trigger *cough* :) the animations in that game were awesome.

What kind of system are you gonna use? I mean, for calculating damage, success or faliure and stuff like that.

As an old school rpg fan, this is making me increasingly happy.

(07-10-2013, 01:20 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: the chest animation looks much better now, i have never done animation so i dont know how difficult could it be, but if you could look at old classic rpg games and take all the magic tiny details...
Chrono trigger *cough* :) the animations in that game were awesome.
Thanks Eduardo, one of the main things I want to do is to capture all those tiny details like you say. I want the dungeon to breath and feel alive! I want all the subtle things to add up and just make it a really enjoyable experience!

(07-10-2013, 02:27 PM)Rognoll Wrote: What kind of system are you gonna use? I mean, for calculating damage, success or faliure and stuff like that.

As an od school rpg fan, this is making me increasingly happy.
I'm not 100% sure yet, this project has already evolved quite a bit from when I started. I'll most likely use some main stats and simple algorithms.

Still working on the tiles, added some shading around the edges of walls, also this shows a simple torch glow, and also a treasure glow I gave to the chest:
[Image: Animations2.gif]
(the .gif is making that torch light really banded)

And also some Idle animations for my Knight:

Idle 1:
[Image: Knight_Idle.gif]

Idle 2:
[Image: Knight_Idle2.gif]

Idle 3:
[Image: Knight_Idle3.gif]

Just thought I'd throw up a demo link: Quick Demo
WASD to move! It might be laggy or buggy in some browsers, it's not going to be released for HTML5 so I'm not trying to support it - but it's good for a quick demo!

Dude this is great. Awesome work so far!

Seriously kickass.

With the chest i think that's almost right, just one frame looks like it bounces back a bit far when it hits the top. Maybe make it bounce back one less pixel.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Alright update time!

I've settled on a resolution size and I've been working on the GUI:
[Image: Pic13.png]

I think I'll make the player card able to be flipped so you can see more advanced stats. Either that or I was thinking having a much more simpler GUI, say a small portrait and just health / resource and have a player card shown if you want to view advanced stats.

Also I have levers working, with multiple levers able to trigger the same gate/door:
[Image: Animations3.gif]

Also Muzz I made the Chest not bounce back as high as when it first hits the top, I think it makes it look a lot smoother, thanks! :)

And a Zoom function so you can zoom out to see more of the area:
[Image: Animations4.gif]

Oh man, this looks awesome!
that looks great! ;O

no way, man!You're doing it so quickly! This is looking fun already :D

Thanks for the support! :)

Thought I'd throw up some of the stuff I've been working on:

Player Block Animations

Idle to Block
[Image: Knight_Idle_to_Block_2x.gif]

Block Idle
[Image: Knight_Block_Idle_2x.gif]

Block Walk
[Image: Knight_Block_Walk_2x.gif]

And some Enemy Designs:

Range of Skeletons:
[Image: Skeletons_2x.png]

Spider .gif showing my crappy spriting method:
[Image: Spider_2x.gif]

I also changed the name so I wasn't infringing copyright and made the logo for it (see first post)

Did a second pass on some of the dungeon tiles! Re worked the floor, walls and pillars. Also added a subtle noise to the lights glow. Trap/Pressure plates are much harder to see now!
[Image: Pic16.png]

Also worked on some more enemy designs and added a new Hero; The Wizard!
[Image: Dungeon_Core_List.png]


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