Time under the microscope
So the idea here is that everyday i post my time spend on contructive activity and that i respect the period of time that i try to achive.

Ok so here my shedule(yeah i plan to add more time in drawing so keep asking me to rise the bar that will just remember me not to sit on a comfortable schedule and stay at the same point for to long).

7:40am to 8:00am/Duration 20min/Description: Good morning Daggers .Alarm clock time yeah i it hard for me to wake up sometime

8:00am to 8:10am/Duration 10min/Description: Breakfest

8:10am to 8:25am/Duration 15min/Description:Exercise

8:25am to 8:40am/Duration 15min/Description:Shower

8:40am to 8:55am/Duration 15min/Description:
Meditation(clear away bad dream or negativy if i wake up with a bad mood)

9:05am to 9:35am/Duration 45min/Description:ON paper drawing(pratice)

9:40am to 10:15am/Duration 30min/Description:Sitimulate my imagination(Reading)

10:15am to 10:35am/Duration 20min/Description:Digital Drawing(experimentation or project)

10:35 to 11:55 am/Duration 1h20/Description:Drawing personal project(digital or tradional art)

11:55 am to 12:55/Duration 1h/Description:Youtube tutorial(watch and try)

12:55 to 13:35/Duration 40h/Description:Pratice or personal project

13:35 to 13:40/Duration 5min/Description:pause

13:40 to 15:00/Duration 1h20min/Description:Drawing but just draw

15:00 end of the day(next step finish at 16:00)

This how my statisic look like for the first week minus monday

Conclusion of the first week:

Tutorial: was needed a lot so it why we see a lot of excess there

Time lost:really hard to focus when i am looking for tutorial also spend a lot of my time think on how to improve by going to the forum(not a waste of time but i am suppose to be doing art and i have the bad habit of procrastination so the forum is not a place for me to be.But being on the forum sometime is like doing a tutorial looking at someone piece or commenting someone help me better understand my own work)Also sometime you need to stop working because you reach some imaginary limit you have at that moment and i call it the determination mark.

Drawing:Increasing but it still under the objective mark(the graphic under the graphic)

Drawing P:seem to be stable but need to be increase to reach the objective mark

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Just so the graphic seem more clear to the people looking at it

Tutorial: Mean that i am looking at some reference or tutorial

Time lost:Do not mean i am necessarly lossing my time but i am not doing what i should be doing at that moment

Drawing:anytime i am drawing a piece of work

Drawing P:anytime i am doing what i have learn in a tutorial or a book(the main diffenrence is that i am more focus on looking at my error then when i am working on a piece)

week 2
take note there is a small error in the graphic. Time is where catergory should be and vis versa

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
week 2

Conclusion for the second week:

Tutorial:Really on the right spot for the goal to be achieve

Time lost:Really hard to evaluate let do some math for that so to evaluate that we do (total lostx100)/Time evaluated
so (30x100)/138=21% of the time lost on day 1
(67x100)/220=30% day2
(67x100)/223=30% day3
(123x100)/283=43% day4
for the day 5 no math not a really productive day

so as you can see 21/30/30/43 as the day pass i am less productive

Drawing:Doing a old project revap on illustrator it a old project that i am working on illustrator about chibi concept

Drawing P:About coloring,layers,blending,getting better at observation

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Time lost:Really hard to evaluate let do some math for that so to evaluate that we do (total lostx100)/Time evaluated
so (90x100)/199=45% of the time lost on day 1
(48x100)/216=22% day2
(64x100)/333=19% day3
(58x100)/227=22% day4
(89x100)/219=30% day5

take note there is a small error in the graphic. Time is where catergory should be and vis versa

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Here is the representation of the time evaluated on a duration of 14 days base on the 3 first week

small error in the graphic it the title it time analysis

my average amout of time evaluated per day is 212 or 3h32

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

Time lost:Really hard to evaluate let do some math for that so to evaluate that we do (total lostx100)/Time evaluated
so (20x100)/163=12% of the time lost on day 1
(12x100)/132=9% day2
(50x100)/175=28% day3
/ day4
(13x100)/142=9% day5

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
sadly for the week 5

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
next week i start a charchoal and pencil class so it a +3h per week during 10 week i am gonna catch up on slacking but i am sure i will find a way to slack -.- i really need to understand how to discipline myself

compilation of the time analyzed

my average amout of time evaluated per day is 2h37 for the period (2-20)9-13

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
so after 6week i realise i had to go back to tradional art because i was rushing to go to digital i also find out that i have problem with gesture so i spend a bit more time on pratice.So far i did experiment with coloring old drawing, scanning,gesture,a bit of proportion and i don't remember the rest.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
good god. so organized! hahaha Do you feel like you can keep a strict minute to minute based schedule? I've always found it a bit suffocating. Doesn't life kinda throw you for a loop every once and a while?

Either way, the data analysis is certainly interesting/impressive.

(01-01-2014, 08:56 AM)Heliux Wrote: good god. so organized! hahaha Do you feel like you can keep a strict minute to minute based schedule? I've always found it a bit suffocating. Doesn't life kinda throw you for a loop every once and a while?

Either way, the data analysis is certainly interesting/impressive.

In fact this post is dead. like you said i suffocate and this was an experience.I try to be more in touch with my need now i try to do what i like and value it instead of imposing my self.But it important to have what i call the time to do the important thing and to have the energy to do it.So example i set a x time to a y time and then i work my ass to fill that period with work or anything i value that is related to art.But i also think there is also place for what i call the punishment time.Where you need too step out of the comfort zone and kill the habit(to try new thing that your afraid off or uncomfortable to try)

The best thing i would suggest is to look at my post here
time management is not about getting stuff done is about getting stuff done in the smartest way it not about a shedule it about priority and flexiblity

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Yeah, I can feel you on that. That type of schedule sounds a lot more organic. I've kinda of created an adaption of a schedule to hold myself accountable to my goals based off of Benjamin Franklin's journal of core-value, only a bit more subject oriented.

Thanks for the insight though! I'm in the process of rewriting my own deathline for the new year, so its fun to take a peak at different people's goals as well! :]

(01-02-2014, 01:51 AM)darktiste Wrote:
(01-01-2014, 08:56 AM)Heliux Wrote: good god. so organized! hahaha Do you feel like you can keep a strict minute to minute based schedule? I've always found it a bit suffocating. Doesn't life kinda throw you for a loop every once and a while?

Either way, the data analysis is certainly interesting/impressive.

In fact this post is dead. like you said i suffocate and this was an experience.I try to be more in touch with my need now i try to do what i like and value it instead of imposing my self.But it important to have what i call the time to do the important thing and to have the energy to do it.So example i set a x time to a y time and then i work my ass to fill that period with work or anything i value that is related to art.But i also think there is also place for what i call the punishment time.Where you need step out of your comfort zone and kill the old you(to try new thing that your afraid off or uncomfortable to try)

The best thing i would suggest is to look at my post here
time management is not about getting stuff done is about getting stuff done in the smartest way it not about a shedule it about priority and flexiblity


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