Vampires Feature Length Film
I'll be posting the character concepts, BTS videos, and development updates for a short film project about vampires.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Putting this image on back burner until I get the copy done from my writer friend. sketch and studying today for a couple other characters.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
The time has come, I will be regularly updating this thread, and my Facebook page with project development updates ranging from concept art and character designs to prosthetic sculpts and make-up tests.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Serious horror stuff! Keep'em coming :)

Thanks Kaffer!

Here is this week's update, an animated .gif and the frames used in it.

The .gif in the forum is a smaller version than the one on my site.

View the full size .gif here:

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
that will be great if you update this thread regularly.I like this type of graphic designing and who ever design these have really a great creative mind.

Thanks Aklam!

Here is a wardrobe and make-up test we did this weekend. You can also follow the project on Facebook by clicking this link!

Tomorrow I'll have photos of the prosthetic sculpt I'm making for the proof of concept video.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
So we hit just over 100 likes on Facebook today, and for the support here is an early preview of a poster concept.

There are several versions we are working on, for now this one is the first online.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Okay a brief update: we've surpassed 300 likes on our page and have released more images, they can be found here:

Find our page on Facebook!

I'm getting more development done this week and I'll be finishing up the prosthetic by creating a mold and getting a test pull done to photograph and paint.

Thank you all for checking up on this thread, we'll be planning out video shoot soon too for our proof of concept.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
This Friday (November 8th) we will be shooting out proof of concept for our vampire short film!

I created a series of new ads for our Facebook campaign and I'll be working on some more Storyboards today and tomorrow.

Tonight is a fitting for our vampire actor's teeth and prosthetic.

Here are the new ads:

Along with the new campaign we had a new set of photos for one of our other characters and I'll be posting stills from the teaser shoot as soon as I get ahold of the footage.

Here are a few storyboards for the upcoming teaser too.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Here is an early update for the Crimson Daggers.

We shot our teaser last Friday and I put together a process image for promotional use. We met up with a crowd funding strategist for 3 hours and received a free consultation, we've learned a lot and I'm more than welcome to share my knowledge with anyone seeking it. private message me or email me for information.

We're building up a series of contacts and plan to launch our crowd funding campaign this february through our own crowd funding site built through Wordpress.

The initial costs for the Wordpress theme was about $50 and spending the time and effort on our own site will help us avoid a 4-8% site fee that other sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo charge.

Here are some BTS photos from the shoot and the process image from a concept illustration I did before the project really started going. (keep in mind that my process has changed since the creation of that image.)

I'll be updating this thread every friday, everyone can also follow our progress on Facebook.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Long awaited updates!


Viral videos!

A blog posted an article about us!

We launch our crowd funding this February and will be posting regular updates on our facebook page until then.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Tomorrow morning we shoot our pitch video for Vampyres and begin editing for the crowd funding campaign.

I have been creating new images to use for the perks that we will be offering. These will include posters, shirts, and other goodies.

Our crowd-funding campaign will start on February 9th. I'll be Livestreaming a Q&A on February the 7th at 7:30pm Central Standard Time. I will be answering any and all questions people have about the project, filling in everyone about my process, the organization of the campaign, and whatever else may come up that is of interest.

The one thing we will not divulge is the plot of the film itself as that is something we'd want to present in the actual film medium.

Okay time for some art! Here are some poster art illustrations for Vampyres Film:

Alternative Colors:

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Hey Mike, That violet is not alone poster is rad. Very nicely done. Not a fan of the other one, too unbalanced compositionally imo.

Also, I'm really hesitant to be this emmm critical on a project I know so little about...but why do we need to see another vampire movie? I have yet to see a distinguishing twist from the pitch material to date but a lot of work seems to have gone into it. The vampire theme seems a little past it's use by date of late as well. Sorry to be a pain in the ass, I'm all about being supportive but that involves asking the honest questions and calling it how I see it.

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Well MonkeyBread, thanks for the feedback on the poster, that one is done for now but I was wondering if it wasn't too one sided. I'll be creating more images for the project as time goes by.

This is the vampire film I've yet to see, for me I'm looking for a particular vibe and mood in the genre that has yet to be made.

I'm also looking to turn away from all of the established tropes, specifically, making vampirism a disease, the idea of a cure, the idea that there can be "good" vampires. I want to setup a world that brings back the folklore, and leaves the mystery that most vampire movies feel the need to explain and rationalize.

If you'd really like to hear more in depth information about the film, I'll be doing a Q&A livestream this Friday at 7:30pm CST on my channel

The long story short is that I have an idea of how vampires should be portrayed and seen, and this project is basically me making the movie I want to watch.

The use of vampires as a literary and story device has never been out dated, sometimes people choose to make them sillier or more tame, but really they are a vehicle for telling a broader idea or addressing a real world issue.

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Awesome man. Sounds good. Sorry if I came across as an ahole, obviously you have your unique vision and all that staying away from the usual tropes is great. I guess I just didn't get a sense of that side of it at all from the pitch material so far. Of course it will be something you've considered if you want to stand out of the crowd for crowdsourcing and have people not make the same assumptions I have.
And yes, a poor choice of words, using such thing! Steady as she goes mate. Good luck :)

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No problem man, all this stuff is the prep for the pitch, we actually shot that video this morning and will be releasing it Sunday February 9th

We've been contacting blogs and vampire fan sites for a the past 3-4months to get some press prepped for the crowd funding launch. So these images have shied away from plot points or any explanation as we were using that time to finalize exactly how we want to present the project and make sure the script is tight.

We actually have a line in the pitch video that is "So why another vampire film?"

Livestream Crits/Paintovers:
Loomis Study videos:

My Facebook page: MCIII
Haha, perfect. Cool well I'll be very interested to see it all come together. Great job on following through on the project, you look very organised about it all.

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