Appreciate it Miss.

Day 5: Success
3/3 hours done

Vilppu 6



Really like that black and white comp dude, great shapes. And props to you for setting a goal, that stuff helps a shit ton. Keep it up, you're gonna be crushing it in no time :D.

Thanks Jake. You are totally right.

Day 6- Success
3 hours done

Started much later today(before I started in the morning before school, because I got up at night, but now the sleep schedule is back in nightime)

Villpu 7

Restarted the conan study.

Update on Refuge concept.(dicked around with the sky and fire for a good 20 min, experimented and found some awesome stuff, but not really for this image)

Day 7 done
around 3.5 hours done.

Vilppu 8

Finished the Conan!

keep going :D

Now that is impressive.
I am amazed at your development. Keep it up!!

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Off to a great start with this week.
Day 8- Failed.
1.15/3h done

Super tired and lack concetration, should have managed my time better. Off to sleep.
Doing this after school (as opposed to before school) is considerably harder.


Thanks for the backup Hannes and Missi.

Day 9- success
3/3 done

Vilppu 10. Pen pressure got lost at the end.

Finished the armor study (total time 2h)

With what I had left, I spent on the trainyard, unfortunatley PS crashed and didnt save so I had to do everything again.

Day 10- success
3/3 done

Nothing special today. Feeling sick, hope I dont get the fevor

Vilppu 11

1h movie study wip

Finished with the concept. I may revisit it once Ive studied flames, vagrants, metal reflecting flames, bunch of other stuff.

20 min face construction from head.

Day 11: failed
1/3 hrs done.

I got fucking sick. Damn it, I knew this was going to happen.
In any case its gonna take some time off and put me back in the schedule.

Vilppu 12.

Lovely. Keep it up.. I am enjoying watching your journey. You've come on leaps and bounds this past couple of weeks it's so very impressive. ~mii

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Thanks again Missi. Will do the best I can.

Forgot to post day 12 because I was basically in bed all day battling fevour.
day 12- Failed
0/3h done

Today I was feeling better, but also frustrated that I wasnt able to do art previous days so I forced myself to work through the sickness.
Day 13- Success
3/3h done.

V13. Had a problem with chickenscratching so redid some of the poses.

Still life 7

Update on movie study.

Day 14
3 hours done

V 14

Finished the movie study. Total time: 3-4hrs

Experimenting with highly saturated hues

You're doing really well to study perspective in conjunction with figure drawing/anatomy. Do TONS of this. It'll only benefit you in the long run.

Thanks brother Freinik, I shall put these teachings to use.

Day 15
3h done

Only problem today was that I went too fast and loose. Maybe its energy drinks, maybe Nirvana, had a blast though, kind of calmed down at the last one.
V 15

Movie study wip

Lost it.

Update on concept. Feeling good with this one.

Day 16
3h done

Vilppu 16

Finished the movie study.


Finished with the concept.

Day 17
3h done

V 17

Decided to try something new, at one point the resolution got too pixelated (3rd drawing) so I upped it. Then I did some experimenting and god some nice colors and stuff out of it. Only fallacy was that I jumped into coloring it too soon, had to fix it many times, because linework wasnt solid.

Hey cracked, thanks for stopping by my SB the other day. This last pirate ship piece has a fair amount lof potential, nice composition and good colours for an eery night atmosphere.

I'd suggest working on your line quality when doing gesture sketches etc make bold confident marks, a line drawn confidently but maybe not correctly looks better than a line drawn correctly using little timid strokes to join it up.

Also your colours seem to lean toward very dark or the mid tone value range, doing some value only studies could help you with that.

It's great to see you putting in the effort to improve, keep it up! :).

Moving into values/color too quickly definitely got me into trouble when I first started out painting, and it still does now. Always make sure to have a clear idea of what your forms and design are, and you'll have no trouble at all painting them. Keep it up.

^ MrFrenik speaks truth! I only just realised this about a month ago
It helps heaps if you keep your values clear, work your forms sexily and then have fun with colour O:

But whoaaaaaa Cracked!! Them LINEEEESSS!! Huuuuuge improvement since I last dropped by! Th_100_

Keep kicking it!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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