Hag Countess
As I don't do many characters, I thought I'd try submit an entry for a CHoW for a change.

This is a rough sketch where I'm just trying to sort out the main design theme, nail the pose, etc. No lighting, values or bg yet. The 4 fingers is intended....I was going to do 5, but 4 seemed creepier? I'm not 100% on the pose, it definitely needs balancing and more dynamism

The description for the character is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hag_Countess

If anyone has anything to say on design, pose and whether I am in the right direction for the brief that would be great at this stage. Cheers!

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1838022&d=1380454915]

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Did you try to put an overlay layer on top and drawing just the bones to see if everything lines up? Did you do any thumbnails at all? I'm not sure this is the best way to display your character, you should explore more.

dont forget to flip canva sometime that seem stupid but that what i would say and if you want to stay in the d&d style you should change the nose and i read the hag description she 8 feet tall

the image are for pose idea that might work with her

art from d&d of course

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Its still in the early stages but I like the concept a lot!! Hopefully I can suggest some useful things for going forwards...

I feel like her posture is a little bit too powerful for an old hag? Based on the description she is supposed to be decrepit looking. One way to give her a more elderly look would be to exaggerate her kyphosis (the curving of the spine in the elderly) [image 1].
is she supposed to have a weapon? if so you could look into some sort of staff that can double as a cane.

Also, this maybe not what you are asking (disregard this if you want) but you could try playing with the perspective a bit... It would be interesting to see this with a little more 3-point bugs eye view. that might make her look that much more threatening? [image 2... maybe not that much though]

other than that I guess its just rendering from here. I think your definitely going in the right direction. Show us the finished version! :)

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Awesome crit guys, thanks for responding so quickly!
@Chantal, I did a few sketches more for design and to see which way i wanted to go and ended liking the design direction on one and so stuck with it. Lol after everything I tell people on here too! I'll do some comp thumbs.

@daktiste, thanks man. I'm not really that concerned about staying within the dnd style, just using the brief, though I didn't read the 8ft tall bit! I'll definitely do more comps and try some other poses.

@Beirot, my other sketches were all the bent over and more decrepit looking but ended up looking too obvious and boring design wise. I think i need to bring out more of the characteristics of the character with the design i have so far and definitely think about your point on accessorising and the comp.

So the next step for me is comp thumbs and redoing a base sketch. I may not ask for crit at the thumb stage, because I find it sways me from going with my gut, which I always feel I should, but you never know. :) Thanks people. Update soon

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Ugh stupid update. Yeah I know better thumbs needed, but I got sidetracked. Here are some rubbish sketches instead. Ignore the lettering...haha..I'm clearly challenged

[Image: attachment.php?aid=34291]

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really loving where this is going, i like the posture of B on our left (yes... challenged could be the word... heh), and I agree with the crit above- the pose at the top sketch looks a bit forced to me, not much energy in it- the lines of action are very stiff and rigid.
The one on our left has a great pose, really decrepit, you could perhaps push it further by having slightly bent in and splayed legs like shes struggling to stay upright?
just an idea. Anyways great start i really like it so far (and of course go with your gut above all, so feel free to disregard what i just said!)
So an update. Thanks Ward, I agree with your crits. I wasn't really feeling any of those sketches as a new direction so I went back to my original more 'realistic' hag but just chopped her up and tried to fix up a pose that worked and made her a bit more hunched and tried a staff according to some of the other crits given
I am about 80% happy with the pose. I don't think it is the best it could be, but I also only have a day or two to get stuck into some rendering and more detailed design work so will just keep pushing ahead despite not solving all the issues. Next step will be design work, values and lighting and getting it into colour. Any crits still welcome...oh and to staff or not to staff> And there are couple of minor differences in that left arm that could be useful to get ideas on.

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in my opinion, to staff! old lady needs a walking stick dont she? her right leg is confusing me though, the support doesnt seem to be there as it fades off. I dunno, even as a decrepit hag (no offence to her) she seems to be off balance and about to slump backwards. just giving us more of an idea where it goes would be nice ;)
point which I think may actually help it a lot is if you toned down the highlights on her wing and leg near the bottom. These pull too much focus away from the face, and as im sure you know you want a gradient going from darks and less saturated to contrasted and bright up top where the face is.

i prefer the hand on the picture on our left, its more confrontational, like she is about to do something. Also two free hands like on the right looks a bit like shes saying 'come at me bro'... maybe thats just me!
out of interest what is that line going into her on the right about? looks like she is getting shot? heh.

Anyways, its looking bang tidy mate, keep at it, cant wait to see how this turns out.
think about the silhouette

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(10-09-2013, 01:54 AM)darktiste Wrote: think about the silhouette

Yup fair enough...but what would you like me to think about specifically? Is one better than the other, is something not readable or do you have anything else a bit more constructive to say in that respect?
I will be tweaking values to get silhouette contrast in areas that need it (this isn't a full value painting more a design/pose sketch I guess.
Thanks for commenting.

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to be honest there is no big issue just make sure that the viewer see wing because those wing almost make a cap look shape

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hi monkeybread,
I like where your design is headed. I would like to offer a suggestion. I really admire your more graphic, black and white approach in some of your sketchbook works ...

I really think that these are strong silhouettes and compositions, regardless of subject matter. Perhaps if you approached your character design with the same technique, it would result in an even stronger final image. The current sketch, while interesting, is more nebulous and tentative. These are qualities that do not exist in your B&W pieces. Hope this helps and keep up the great work.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
Hey Javier! You know you may be onto something there. Those sketches are all started with no theme in mind, totally random and I am really loose when I do them, in fact most of the time I'm in a meeting and half listening half doodling so it really shows in the work (my brain doesn't get in the way haha) I will definitely give it a go. Thanks for the suggestion man.

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