smrrfette's Odyssey
Sick update yo! It's quite sad and funny at the same time how you call it poops and doodles. I think it's great sketchwork that shows a lot of potential. There's lots of experimentation going on! Maybe you're expecting unrealistic results quick, I don't know! But you're definitely getting there in your own pace.

I feel that I usually burn out in a similar matter. Always after a good piece or a high tempo, things cool down and mah brain gets all empty. I think that's the time to fill it with inputs of inspiration! Like reading Prince of thorns and paintings scenes/characters from it. (or play video games until you feel bad)

You should be really proud over what you've accomplished this year Smurfsetu! Can't wait to see your journey unfold infront of my eyes next year. You'll walk it with berserkers pride.

Merry christmas and kickass new year! :D

keep pushing out that quantity of work, youre on fire.i especially love the value in your pencil drawings, they always look better in real life too. have a happy new year !
Keep pushing yourself Smrr, thanks for sharing the corny(awesome) text :)
merry happy christmas year!

Thanks a lot for your kind words:-)
You achieved a lot this year and you should be very proud. Your pencil sketches and portraits
are getting better and better and it seems like someone is mildy obsessed with cast shadows
and light directions - that´s awesome. Also: it´s pretty nice that you´re using a variety of
mediums - 2014 is going to be great! keep it up.
all the best and happy happy new year!
Haha holy shit. That was a big ass update for the end of the year. Finishing off strong!
You nailed 2013 to the wall. Really big growth over the space of the year.
But its over. Done. Gone. And its going to be 2014 you will be facing soon. And it's fresh and clean and hasn't had its arse kicked yet. So get trashed on new years in classic Aussie fashion, clean yourself up and prepare to do it all again. We've done it once, so we can do it again. We will make 2014 our bitch. By next December it will be wearing a leash and a ball gag.

P.S. So glad the monkey reminded you of that song, that clip is exactly the mood I want for the monkey.. Kind of creepy and kind of wtf..

Anyway, thanks for being one of the daggers and being one of the people right there with me, with nose to the grind stone, working everyday <3

Heeey. Late Christmas wishes and awesome new year ;). Yeah. Pursuing art can be a big headache sometimes, but as you noticed it's extremely rewarding. I hope 2014 will be even better for you and all daggers. Simply keep awesome juices flowing =D Oh. And your newest update is simply inspiring. Dat sketches ;3 Hope to hear from you soon!

You're the shit, smrrfette. This year is your year :))))))

Whaddup 2014?!

Mannyhaatz - Aaah ~ maybe one day I'll be the shit haha, but love you Man <3 we're gonna push harder than ever in DS this year ;)

ramalooke - Thanks for the kind words ramalooke :D looking forward to this year, motivated to the maxxx! Right back at you and let's kick some ass!

Jaik - Man! I literally fell off my seat laughing when I read your comment (though I could still be drunk hahaha :3)
Haha hell yeah! We're gonna grab 2014 by the balls and we aren't letting go mwahah. Let's tame this mofo! Right back at you man, we'll keep grinding 'til the end <3

constructicon - No worries man :D thanks for the kind words also!
Although I know I could've pushed harder, which is what I plan on doing this year. Going to be relentless haha. Lets keep pushing constructicon :D

crackedskull - Yessss all of the corny :') haha, I definitely will cracked - and I hope you will too!

BenFlores - They always do :( I plan to push much harder this year, thanks for comment, Ben! Lets kick ass! :D

Bjulvar - Aaaah Bjulvararar! Thanks for the comment! Great tips as always - definitely got a lot planned now that I've unwinded. No more artblocks for a while I think haha. But yase, they's still doodles and poops in mine eyes :/ mostly because they're either a) rushed or b) not how I wanted them to turn out :3
Let's kick soooo much ass this year man! :D

eclip-se - hey, thanks eclip-se! Yeah for sure D: still exciting solving each new puzzle though ;) thank you and you too!

Fedodika - HAHA dude! It was legit like 28-32*C, beautiful, sunny weather at the beach! Remember, it's Summer here down under! Thanks for dropping by and being awesome man :D

Alright so, just got back from such an awesome, albeit overindulgent vacation where (we didn't realise before we had arrived) but there was no phone reception, no TV or internet. :'(
I brought my sketchbook up, but barely drew - maybe only 2 pages worth? Just read a lot, tried to take in my surroundings, went kayaking, rode bikes, went to the beach a lot, got a gnarly tan, etc etc.

Most chilled 6 days... and New Year's Eve I've ever had... but now that that's over - bring on 2014!
I want to keep as active as possible; I'll post in my sketchbook every day, there shouldn't be any excuses >.>
I'm going to push harder this year. Both in my art studies and other stuffs.

Anyways, here's the first post of the year.

such work. very amaze.

tomorrow will be worthwhile.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Love love love your sketches <3
Happy new year!

Keep killing it!

Ursula Dorada - awh :D thank you muchly, Ursula <3, I'll sure as hell try to!

First three pages are revising on Loomis. I think I've found a game-plan for studying anatomy now... tomorrow will be fun.

The other pen sketches are from me head. Eh.

Self-portrait. One that looks a little bit more like myself. Just by a little bit though :/ too bad my edges suck.

And a random doodle. DON'T ASK! LOL

I wasn't gonna tell anyways haha
edit: 25min sketch before bed - was listening to the Conker: Live and Reloaded OST and this song came on:

But seriously, I've gotta work on form. >_>

Also, I'm super inspired after watching Kill Bill for the first time since I was like 10... whoa. It's up there as a fave for sure!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
hey smmrrfette! awesome figures, real improvement on those! And I love those quick environment sketches. On to 2014, go!

TonariNoPunpun - Tonariiiii! Been a while haha, hope your computer's working fine again! Ah, kind of :/ one day I'll get there though ^ ^ thank you!

Alright. Gonna focus on anatomy and form in the upcoming days, today I just experimented in PS... (and watched Kill Bill vol. 2 - hence, why I didn't finish those silhouetted chics D: I couldn't resist! But I will from now on >_> )
Gotta keep trying to find new ways to study and understand.

Yes, yes. Much ugly. But one day in the future... my crap won't be so crap. LOL Th_084_

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Nice going so far! You look to be on the right track to me, just keep it up!

i rlly like that second slihowettte i can't spel.. she is vry cute tho :). KEEP REFININ THOSE POOPS!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
wow.. so much hard work here..:D
you improved a lot since my last comment in your skb..
i like those "silhouetted chics"..very well done.. and that creature/rabbit/thing..

sker2 - haha thanks man! Means a lot ^ ^

Fedodika - hahaha oh you ;) ! ONE DAY I WILL... one day...

kidult - I like to think so, but I could be wrong... ¯\(°_o)/¯ haha but thank you! ^ ^

Bah more random shit
I had to clean the house, so I didn't really get much done at all study-wise.
Just experimented s'more in PS...

Finished these silhouette chics, ya, rushed

& more silhouette experimenting... 1st took about 1.5hrs in between cleaning? 2nd one took about 30-45mins before bed

Gonna be studying + applying tomorrow like a mofo >_>

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Loomis studies are looking well done, also insane pensketches, love them.
Keep crushing it Smrr.

keep killing it. kill it with fricking fire. fire, i said.

Love the girls <3
Awesome sketches again!

Ursula Dorada - Aaah! :D Thank you Ursula! Keeping my fire burning!

Mannyhaatz - Hahaha xD aye aye Captain'! 047 thanks for dropping by Man!

crackedskull - thanks a lot cracked <: ! Though I still feel hopeless at drawing on paper :s (srsly gotta keep at it) nonetheless, thanks! :D

Quick page before bed

I need to do a bunch more of these. I need to make forms and shapes my biatch. It's as simple as that >_>

& some random, unfinished sketches

All of the B&W... but y'know, I've gotta work on my values.

Values, values, values!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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