Jones Sketchbook
some of today's sketches

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lot of silly quick doodle things and another statue study. Going to start being more mindful about what I'm going to draw rather then mindlessly playing with forms until I see something D:

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Jonessss!!! Holy shieett!! Way to kick us all in the ass!! That's a tonne of hard work you've been pushing out O___O
There's only one way to go from here and that's up!

Keep killing it aaah!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
that male face like 8th one down with the harsh lighting overhead is really good!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
smrrfette - thanks smrrf! gotta work on the quality of what I'm posting though, too many mindless quick sketches as of recent -_-

Fedodika - thank yah! that was a photo study of a statue.


Small update with some 30 min spits, really fun stuff. Did a few others but they were too terrible to upload. Will post some of the pencil stuff I've been doing next update.

(Also spitpaint topics were Flaming roses, Eyeless lizard, and bottom two are Gluttony,)

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Nice sketchbook, love your little animations! ;)

the little guy w/ ice cream look like mini me haha

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Not bad! You've shown a good deal of improvement since your start, especially anatomically and pushing your values.

You're in danger of using too much wasteful texture in your works though (I have struggled with the same issue.)

The best thing is to really conserve custom brush use, so that the painting only has intentional texture, not a hodge-podge of noise and grain.

Overall you're going at a solid pace, keep beating on those studies! haha.

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Nowio - thanks!

Fedodika - hahaha he does! (Also that mini me thug walk XD)

Einver - Thanks a lot for the advice! Sticking to more regular brushes now.


some bridgeman and sketches.

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Thanks for the comment Jones, means more to me than you know.

sick improvement in your sketch book, im jelly.

let's make this year the best of our lives!
Hey dude, you've gotten way better since I last saw your stuff! Great to see :D. Your sense of form is really good. I think you could work on your edges though, everything is a bit soft cause everything is all textured everywhere, and you could push whats in the light away from whats in shadow way more, and your stuff would pop really nice. A thing to try that helped me out that might help you is doing 2 tone studies, just only using black and white, really force yourself to choose whats in light and shadow.

Hope that helps, keep up the awesome :D!

Thanks guys


It's been a long while, was in the hospital for a few weeks. I was able to get some drawing/studying done the last week while in there.

Going to be tough getting into a routine again D: Just got to go about it healthier this time.

Some quick digi scraps trying to paint again, and still life from today, around 2 hours I think.

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glad your back man, hope your not hurting.

Missed your sketches :)

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Thanks Mr.Toodles - I was hurting for a long time, feeling pretty good now though.

Doodlin' trying to get back into this painting thing. Got to work on my drawing abilities some, learn to start things with a little more control.

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your rendering is getting so much sharper; keep working on the head drawings! i mean, they're coming along proportionally and structurally, it's just their kinda... creepy? i don't know, i guess you like that look; actually it'd be pretty interesting to see you pull through with that; it's unique and interesting :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks Fedodika! Gotta try some not so creepy faces for a change.


Comfort zone sketches - need to start pushing myself again. Going to do some re-assessing of where I currently am and what I need to/want to improve on.

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Evaluating where you are in regards to everything is a very important step and it's good that you are doing that at the same time as getting in to everything. Form is your friend at the moment, I think really trying to perfect that is the key to leveraging you to the next level.

Keep up the good work and I hope your health stays all good :D

Thank's Jaik!

Some pencil stuff from the past few days and two top digi sketches are from a week ago or so, rest are from a month and a bit ago mostly 30 minute spitpaints.

The past week I feel like what I want from what I'm doing is really evolving, really dislike the majority of digital stuff I've done.

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bout three hour graphite cast study. Feel kinda shitty I don't have much to post on the digital front, just these two dumb sketches );

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You did a good job on that still life you did a while back. I say do more of those! It's nice to se a good mix of studies and sketches and whatnot. Keep it up!

A lot of your sketches fall into a problem I se in a lot of people sketchbooks and that is that your values aren't solid. They all have this effect that comes from painting in a low opacity. Each brush stroke is slightly transparent and it leaves everything looking muddy. There is a brush in Peleng's pack (and it's common in most brush packs) that is a rectangle shape, a little bit of texture and it goes to 100% opacity very quickly. I recommend trying it because it will probably make you realise how important big, solid chunks of value are and why it's important to keep things from being middy.

Anyway, do more still life paintings. The last one was really good!

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