Jordy's Sketchbook with Art Stuff
Thanks you guys :D

Jaik: yeah it was really difficult, smaller than expected, and have no brushes for that kind of scale. in the end he's too fat but I'm satisfied :P

I think its spelled khaleesi, wardy? Not sure :D

here's a boar:

[Image: 2014-04-19_16-07-24.jpg]

Alternative hearthstone card art - Chillwind yeti!

Result from stream #1. Not very pleased with this but hey!

[Image: 2014-04-20_00-05-53.jpg]

Landscape study

[Image: 2014-04-20_16-55-52.jpg]

[Image: 2014-04-21_11-42-45.png]

When someone draws cute boars, I subscribe. It's the rule.

Thank you Mariyan!

Denikina, seems like a good rule :D

Two spitpaints (30 min each)

Jungle bridge - fountain of life

[Image: 2014-04-24_00-58-35.png]
[Image: 2014-04-24_01-00-34.png]

Fountain of life - love it! :D

Thank you :)

Itsashouse. Practice yo.

[Image: 2014-04-24_16-19-35.png]

Utahraptor! Thoughts? :)

[Image: 2014-04-24_20-54-41.png]

Here's some client work. I'd love to hear what you think :)
This was painted for a book with a female dwarf protagonist. All the features were specified, it was up to me to visualize it and make her look like a woman. It was a realllly fun challenge, and I'm glad she reads as a female despite the obvious obstacles! Here's a link to the author her site: :)

[Image: 2014-04-25_19-35-37.png]

Lately I've found it hard to have tangible leaps of improvement, I guess I no longer get boosts from "randomly painting stuff". I feel like my colors and light are relatively solid, but my drawing ability and visual library is way behind.. soooooooo its time to take a page out of the book by Alex Negrea and do a million billion studies.

Starting with - animals. Felidae and canidae first! Many more to come.

[Image: 2014-04-26_16-26-38.png]

Here's a first "test" after the sheet. Finally some real progress! If you had asked me to draw a large cat before doing the studies, it would've looked like a 5 year old drew it.
[Image: 2014-04-26_16-40-28.png]

I call this one "belgium, yo"

Started with a photoplate :) super quick sketch. Very belgiumy, aside from the non-flat landscape.

[Image: 2014-04-26_21-26-27.png]

Sheet two done!

More carnivores, ursidae & mustelidae! What groups should I do next? (carnivores still for now!)
Notes: every group of animals is just the same features rearranged. they are caricatures of themselves. Biggest variations are in the pelt/fur lenght and their patterns.

[Image: 2014-04-28_17-45-11.png]

new sketch! :)

[Image: 2014-04-29_20-53-58.png]

[Image: 2014-04-30_01-42-38.png]

More sketches before dinner! :D

[Image: 2014-04-30_22-52-34.png]
[Image: 2014-04-30_23-00-34.png]

Glorious studies. Glorious.

Would you mind a paintover of the frog painting? I have already done it, I just need to post the link. Good stuff btw

Gliger - of course! Please show me :) Paintovers are the bomb and critiques in general are very welcome
Thank you Corey!

[Image: 2014-05-02_08-31-44.png]

That bear makes me laugh for some reason, I love it! I feel like that's exactly how my face looks when i've been painting all day. :D


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