Jones Sketchbook
Good advice, got to a few and struggled, gotta do more.

some stuff, sharing some sketch/de-stressing stupid/experimentation stuff as well

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Aww man, great improvement! Loving those marble headcasts, really getting the material and lighting across. Would love to see more colour in your work though!

Fedodika - WOOOOOOOOOOOO (idk what im wooing, peer pressure)

Eristhe - thanks dude! Yess I need to get on top of colour, I struggle with making things either over saturated or desaturated it feels like. Got some more colorful client work I should be able to post soon.


some Stooofs

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Your stuff is looking more and more 3 dimensional, must be those still lives man- good work. You might not be where you want right now, but I can definitely see you becoming really awesome in the coming years.

I love you... SS Forever.

Thanks and much love Bruh.

first two pages of skulls where ref/books rest where trying to apply.

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Nice updates man, those head bust paintings are looking really great! Skull studies looking very nice to. I think with your chow though once you had the design you could have played around more with thumbnails to test out different poses as it looks a little stiff however the proportions look good so the anatomy studies are really showing. Keep up the hard work!

Thanks Jon! I see your point on the pose, it's worth trying different stuff, could find something that looks really awesome just through some quick pose sketches. Got a crit from Terran on my livestream tonight on the pose of a character and it reinforced that point.


[Image: 8sRL4i3.jpg]

Doing a daily livestream with my pal Jonas at 10AM PST. This is a way to help each other keep ourselves motivated to follow our schedules and get to our morning studies, I hope some of you will join in to improve ourselves and achieve our goals. Helps to have a place to be, it can be hard to keep at your studies without support.

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Some studies and unfinished stuff ...rendering forever. I've got 6 characters I cant quite show yet. Hopefully I dont hate them by that time.

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yeaah! this is sketchbook full of awesomeness. just look at the progress you made since the first page. look at IT! >< and now give yourself a high five!
[Image: 32469-dayum-gif-jsyZ.jpeg]

Thanks Bru! It's been a long road :D I literally knew nothing when I started. Thinking back I'm not sure how I ever thought I could get anywhere in the future.

Trying new things, struggling for fun.

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Oh man that lizard rock thing is really cool hehe, adorable in a creepy way. I envy your really genuine no nonsense brushwork. Oooh but i really like the oily greasy brushwork on those enviros, really tasty hehe!

One day i'm gonna get a big plaque of just greasy brush strokes it doesn't have to depict anything, just the energy and integrity is what i like, oh and juicy colors on it of course.

You always have the most charming profile pictures :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks Mane! always try to get the best shots of myself!

Bunch of stttttuuuuuuufff. It's all over the place, traditional anantomy stuff is from a bit ago to recent and the rest is mostly recent I think.

I've been doing small 'web' size 30 min paintings to focus on the overall picture. Super helpful to do. Recommend it to yall.

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It looks like you have a habit of drawing the head too small for the body. You're never too good to go back and brush up on fundamentals. Do some Loomis proportion studies and then draw from imagination, double checking your proportions after. When you think you're drawing the head too big, draw it even bigger to break the habit. I had a similar problem with drawing figures too tall from imagination. Hammering the issue for a couple days really helped me. Proko has a video on cranial units as proportions you might want to check out as well.

thanks for the advice! been trying to keep an eye out.

lots of experimenting with this update

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bunch of 30 min speedpaints and other various things

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Wow. It's great to see all of these studies, this hard work, and even applying advice to your studies. That's what helps in the end-- ABSORPTION OF ALL. haha. Draw on, my friend, you're gonna go far. Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Yeah Man! I'm ready, lets do this!

[Image: Russell_zps87c8710c.jpg~original]


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my heart i never be i never see i never knowww oooh harrr and then i fall and then i fall and then i falla nd then i know my harr will never be i never see i never nooo oooh harr then i fall and then i fall and then i know my harr wil never be i never see i know oooh haaar and then i fall and then i fall and then i know holdin me now pain winiwick above salways different i am a wickibon holdin me now pain a wickiban! salways different i am a wickibam holdin me now....

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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