Nimao's Sketchbook - things and stuff
What a sketchbook @__@

Need to see it all.


Dayum, a lot of awesome stuff ;3 This old orc dude is simply badass. You improved a ton ;3 but hey, no wonder it's been almost a year since i visited your sketchbook. sorry about that =D


The last dude looks a bit like Daniel Craig; both have those pouty lips and squinty eyes! Nice line work! Keep it uppppppppppppppughh

Man, these portraits are nice but that house hit the spot! It looks sooo good and if you rendered a bit more I'd say it's pro level already, you should do more! And I'll do that as well, but soon,ish.

hoooow dare yooou! need to see your new stuff man. update your sketchbook ;O

@rafa zanchetin:
thanks man. i think it looks kind of boring gonna paint a new one hopefully with better shapes and stuff. btw just to say it again i love your stuff <3 love the dynamic in your figurs and drawings. SO KEEP PUSHING AT GET EVEN BETTER

couldn't start to color it because i eat toooo long. i should stop eating


Nice work on that little portrait, perhaps you could vary the textures of the face and the metal helmet a bit more.

I'm soon going to start full time freelancing what means i think i can get back to studying agaaaaiin.
cant wait to get practicing on my shityness ;D

some weird small sketches i have to learn to draw faces ;O



Oh wow, really digging those portraits! how long did this griffin drawing take you? Looks sweet, specially the colors!

And yeah, if eating is taking too much time from drawing, just start a "no eating, just draw" diet :p I might join you in that one!

(01-30-2015, 02:43 AM)RenatoCaria Wrote: Oh wow, really digging those portraits! how long did this griffin drawing take you? Looks sweet, specially the colors!

And yeah, if eating is taking too much time from drawing, just start a "no eating, just draw" diet :p I might join you in that one!

i think it took me 6-7hours im pretty slow x( . But i hope that will change when i do more finished work.

Nice SB with really good progression.

the finished Griffon guy and i also started a new one

some sketches and shitty studies. i'm now going to study every morning

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eek i just feel like i don't know what i'm doing


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