Danny's crappy book of sketches
Currently studying colour and light, I appreciate any contribution to my progress <3 xoxox

I will be disabling my internet or something tomorrow, I had an app that only gave me internet for 15 minutes but I've accidentally (honest!) found out how to really easily and quickly disable it. I now find myself wanting to check facebook or my email more often, I'm also craving social networking again. I need something that will disable my internet and is an incredible pain in the ass to disable...perhaps I will remove my network card completely...but then I can't access tutorials and stuff. Dammit, I'M PISS ASSING ABOUT ON YOUTUBE TOO MUCH NOW AS WELL.

I must really try and not go on those time wasting, soul sucking websites. My family uses the internet so I can't disable the router either. Does anyone have any suggestions? Suck it up and rely on my will power? Perhaps I can find some software or something.

Here are some links which are incredibly useful for learning light and colour, most of the links are courtesy of kingkostas who is super awesome and puts himself out so much to help people! He's too awesome! Some of them have been added by me and a few are from Fedodika too!

Light and colour














Good luck guys!!! These links are SOOO frigging awesome ugggghh. It has been such a revelation for me and I hope you don't know all this already and it also blows your mind!

Refer to these links constantly! It's the cool side of light that James Gurney doesn't talk too much about.

Another novel post from me

MMM yess!! Gurney! hmm I think though it is often reffered to as the cardinal sin of practicing, it actually helped me assloads when i was learning color to actually color pick some of my references. Like in this painting


The tones on her arms in the shadow tones somehow seem light or as light as the highlight/midtone as her arm. I wouldn't have known that this is just a dark desaturated yellow without color picking haha..

Or this one


How insanely accurate it is, but how almost the entire image is grayscale with some tiny saturation but crazy hue variations it is. Wouldn't have known that w/o sampling the colors. :>

and for staying focused. I used to watch this guy a lot the KNKL show; interesting take on productivity.

though something happened to me personally to where i can't be on the internet for more than 300 hrs a month for browsing and 24 hours of streaming video (unless i want to pay 55$ each time i go over) :/. So i became very grateful for the internet i do have and use it in a very minimalist fashion. This eventually ended my desire to look at things that are mindless (but i still do it alot just not a quarter as much) LOL

Uhh.. i kinda became forced to want to draw, so i can literally move somewhere else that has unlimited internet? I think it's actually best if you just let yourself do these things; If you try to discipline yourself you'll just get frustrated and stressed and i used to do it too. I just can't grind like i used too i really miss it.

But i find the most effective way to stay focused it to make an insane goal like with quantity. Say drawing 2000 hands. Like when i did that it took me over a week and a half drawing 200 each day about 4 hours each session, but i still allowed myself to do stupid shit and eventually it evened out to 4 hrs. Say i sat there and drew em straight in one day drew like 200 hands in 3 hrs. I'd get burnt out and go sleep for 6 hrs; So burning the midnight oil has its cost.

Did the same thing starting out with gestures. Like i said, I'm gonna do 1000 gestures since i was reading nicolaides. Did it, then realized i had to do 1k more, then 1k more... But it was all worth it, even if the goal itself is mindless, as long as your doing it, it somehow works. Still need to do a trillion more...

You either take time off and do stupid shit for however long and get back to work for a few hours or go straight and then get burnt out and rest for much longer periods. If you really force yourself to not rest you're gonna damage your progress anyways since your brain can't catch up.

So yea, enjoy facebook/Social media all that stuff it gives your brain time to put itself back together. And if you think you can truly escape this "wasted time" you're only fooling yourself.

Eventually you'll prioritize how much you need to do in the amount of time you've allotted yourself. If you're in a comfortable position mentally, you probably won't train as hard, is a way to sum that up.

Say like you're some rich kid with a million bucks and your parents want you to just have fun do whatever; Well you're probably not gonna practice art that much because you don't care.

Say you meet your dream/perfect woman who really appreciates your skill and takes you into her home to be her lover. She says you have 2 years to get an art job or she'll leave you and you'll be broke again; You probably will do everything you can to get that art job because you are compelled by some outside influence.

Just wanting to do this isn't enough and you'll see tons of examples on these forums. All these people "art is my dream job" "art is my passion i wanna be concept artst" etc. They are on these forums for years and don't improve a fartsworth in comparison to like algen or someone. Why? because they are in a comfortable enough position to not TRULY give a shit about getting art jobs. But you notice as soon as something bad in their personal life happens they really step it up

Why did algen improve a ton? because he was scared/desperate for the first year, where he improved the most. Why not as much in 2009? because he was comfortable, spending time with his Girlfriend who made him not care as much, but then when she left him, he started practicing very intensely and made up for in 2010 what probably was his lost year in 2009.

Just somethin to think about; You get there when you get there.

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Heyyyyyyyy fedo, just stopping by to let you know I'm still thinking about your post. Particularly today on the train on my way home. It has actually really opened my eyes on a few things and has really helped me prioritize a few things in terms of how I study. It's that kind of feedback that keeps me from leaving the art community! So yeh. I can be really obsessive...and sorry for not replying <3 xoxox Particularly I wanna let you know that I appreciate the post


can someone give me some money plz

I took a break from 2D to study 3D which was what I needed to get to terms with my abilities. Drawing everyday for hours and hours numbed me and made me feel more confident than I should have been. Studying something else for a while has re programmed my brain a bit.

Soooooo, rendering is a big issue for me. I will focus on getting that form and colour right.

Here are a two random armour people that I'll render tomorrow, I should have gone to be a while ago lol  I will also focus on story telling and design.

Most of the stuff here are from 2014 0.0 so some might be dups 

wow I was supposed to be freelancing by now wtf gotta step my game up. 2015 was fantastic and learned so much....2016 is hell so far (Y)



pwetty <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Rendering and story telling, some of these I made for my portfolio. Still have to finish some of them though. Random attack on titan fan art, creating portfolio pieces gets kinda boring hehe

how do i art

Nice sculpts!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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