tripna's sketchbook
Sketches for the new concept topic.
[Image: yte5Nma.jpg]

[Image: EYM1hv8.jpg]

Looking at your work I feel like no line is wasted. I need to be like that when I sketch. I am very messy, I could do much better. Your work is very inspiring. Keep it up. ^^*
(03-13-2016, 07:11 PM)JadeSky Wrote: Looking at your work I feel like no line is wasted. I need to be like that when I sketch. I am very messy, I could do much better. Your work is very inspiring. Keep it up. ^^*

Thanks, I'd suggest try to loosen up and don't care about lines :D

Did a longer value study. First one is from photo rest in from imaginatilari.
[Image: 1DNEeJq.jpg]

Costume design for the new concept art topic.
[Image: ehzwL0Z.jpg]

Some studies. 4th torso is from a photo.
[Image: GJKZWRl.jpg]

Value studies, some of these are from imagination
[Image: R1xrddg.jpg]

[Image: oGgqlQW.jpg]

Torso #4 is from a photo.
[Image: Lb1BOwU.jpg]

God people for my story
[Image: JagOZS9.jpg]

[Image: NL8TPZV.jpg]

nice studyies man!! it's realy inspiring to see the amount of studies you are doing. when do we get to see more finished personal work? i think if you put all that studying to good use something realy cool might come out.
Stuff from imagination.
[Image: aUZwwQ9.jpg]

Top left is a photo study, then I tried some thumbnails and took one of the thumbnail ideas further.

[Image: BTUhjAP.jpg]

[Image: Vr3F0h9.jpg]

Hey man, love your dedication to figures, the gestures in them are super fluid and feel great! I really like how you compose your pages too with the figures mingling together, it's important to make a nice page even just with that sort of stuff (something I don't do so well!). awesome that you're pushing imagination drawing too! Just cause I wanted to say something practical here too - somewhere a page or so back there was something about the backgrounds; if you make your background a slightly cooler grey than your figures they will pop out of it (like if you use a totally neutral grey, making it just a touch blue will pop them out) - not that it needs it so much, they look good already, just wanted to offer something : ) Keep going ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
(04-08-2016, 01:20 AM)JyonnyNovice Wrote: Hey man, love your dedication to figures, the gestures in them are super fluid and feel great! I really like how you compose your pages too with the figures mingling together, it's important to make a nice page even just with that sort of stuff (something I don't do so well!). awesome that you're pushing imagination drawing too! Just cause I wanted to say something practical here too - somewhere a page or so back there was something about the backgrounds; if you make your background a slightly cooler grey than your figures they will pop out of it (like if you use a totally neutral grey, making it just a touch blue will pop them out) - not that it needs it so much, they look good already, just wanted to offer something : ) Keep going ^^

oh thank a lot man, i never thought of using a cooler grey before i'll try it today :D
yesterdays page of imaginary sketches
[Image: 8dkcfpU.jpg]

Your figures and anatomy studies are absolutelyinspiring. I love how fluid your lines are, they look almost effortless (but we know that is not true :P). Really close to Michael Hampton's style. There's lots of a difference from the first page to now, mostly in the shading.

How did you learn figure? Any books, besides the art school? Have a great day!

would you like me to improve? check my SKETCHBOOKKiss
(04-09-2016, 02:39 AM)wasgodx Wrote: Your figures and anatomy studies are absolutelyinspiring. I love how fluid your lines are, they look almost effortless (but we know that is not true :P). Really close to Michael Hampton's style. There's lots of a difference from the first page to now, mostly in the shading.

How did you learn figure? Any books, besides the art school? Have a great day!

Thanks a lot man, I havent tried hampton but i'll start reading his book sometime. It's great to hear that I made visible improvement on values :D

The way I learned figures was really about doing countless gesture drawings, and taking a lot of time studying anatomy with Steve Huston and Vilppu's videos. My best source was Steve Huston's anything figure related lesson on New Masters. I explained in depth to someone else in this thread, try reading that maybe. It's the ultra-long text.


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