Hello everyone! :D
Hello guys!)
My name is Victor, im 19 and i with the country where all too lazy to learn English (and me too  Sad  but i will try to fix it!!)  Sun  
Unfortunately, I was lazy, not only in this. About a year ago, I realized that my profession do not like me (I'm on the 3rd course of the Agricultural Faculty) and decided that I wanted to try to make a living with the help of drawing and I have on this is 3 years. Unfortunately for the first year I did very little and my level is too low for any entry in the industry (I would like to draw illustrations or concepts art) But I understand that this is very difficult and you need a lot of time to achieve this.  so I guess the first few years the opportunity to draw interfaces or objects (just for earn money to live, because I really do not want to work in my specialty) 
I hope that this forum and all of you help me overcome my weaknesses and to achieve my goals.   
Thank you for your attention  Wink
Nice to meet you Victor :).

I can relate to working in an industry that I'm not really passionate about - I work in Information Technology - it has to be done to pay the bills and put food on the table - but I would much rather do art for a living.

Since I cannot drop everything and switch careers, I have resigned myself to the fact that my artistic journey will be a long, slow one. My approach therefore is to share the journey with awesome, like-minded people and enjoy it as much as I can.

I encourage you to research good study methods, post your work for critique (the folks on here are great at providing awesome critiques) and see if you can help anyone else out on here.

Looking forward to seeing more from you dude!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Welcome Victor,

You will find many people here in a similar situation as you, so I hope you can join us and acheive your goals and help others along the way

We consist of many different backgrounds here, art does not discriminate so if you find there are posts or concepts that are difficult to understand, there are many users that would be happy to assist you.

Go ahead to the Sketchbook forum and start a thread to showcase your art. We are eager to see it.


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Discord: emnida
Yep, we're all here to do this or at least try and burn failing :D. Unlike the others I actually took the decision to put all that I can in this 2017 year and make it happen, either that or I'll end up homeless :D. Also I'm much older than people around here and I just took this decision not too long ago.

This place is great for motivation, there are hugely talented people around here helping out everyone! I'm new myself (a couple of months around) and I do believe it's making a difference :). Don't give up and hope for the best (with loads of effort! of course :!). Head over to the discord server as well if you want to live chat (there's a button in the panel up top, on the right, with the social stuff).

Explore & happy drawing and new year!


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