07-14-2016, 01:53 AM
starting a little video series to collect the bits of perspective learning I've gathered into one big boring lump. i'll update the videos as and when I can, it'll chop and change a bit as I think of better ways to explain or demonstrate. I just wanted to make a start on it and let it evolve
list of topics (videos will be added as I do them... and be replaced with better ones as I get the hang of it)
Basic perspective space (for 1point and 2point perspective)
Boxapalooza 1
Introducing Measuring points
Rotating objects
Tilting objects
correctly constructed ellipses
Cheating using transform tools
Projecting orthogonal views Projecting Orthos (vid)
estimating convergence
Improving perspective for figure drawing
Complete perspective space ( 3point perspective)
Boxapalooza part 2 (learning how to use the full perspective space)
Measuring points, tilting and rotating
when I get more videos up I could set up a weekly google hangout for anyone who is interest. Also if you have any topics not listed let me know and I'll try and add them